Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Dow 30

The S&P 500, Dow & Nasdaq Indexes: What Are the Differences Between Each? (+2K Views)

Do you know how to use the different stock indexes? The Dow, NASDAQ and S&P 500 indexes are 3 of the best measurements of trading activity and give investors a clear picture of the overall health of the economy. Each represents a different type of index, calculated and tracked in their own way, reporting real time movements of stock price and market capitalization. I created this infographic to demonstrate the unique features of these indexes and how they can help you along in investing.

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Comparison of Past & Present Performance of Dow Is Meaningless! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Every time the number of, or specific constituent, companies change in the Dow index any comparison of the new index value with the old index value is impossible to make with any validity whatsoever. It is like comparing the taste of a cocktail of fruits when the number of different fruits and their distinctive flavours – keep changing. Furthermore, because of the application of the ever changing Dow Divisor, we are always comparing a basket of today’s apples with a basket of yesterday’s pears.

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S&P 500 & Dow 30 Index Performances: Illusion vs.Reality

The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a fabricated number that has little relation to the actual average performance of the stock market as a whole. For sure, it is not industrial in nature, and by no means is it an average. It's like creating an all-star team of the very best-performing companies and broadcasting to the world that this is the average of all companies out there.

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Research Says Stock Market Bull Should Continue Its Run Until… (+2K Views)

The mainstream financial press would like us to believe that because the S&P 500 and Dow 30 are at or near their record highs that it must mean we're nearing the end of the current bull market and, as such, now must be a terrible time to buy stocks. Let's not jump to any conclusions, though. Instead, let's do our own due diligence to find out. Hint: If you've been stuffing cash under the mattress since the last market crash, you might want to finally go deposit it in your brokerage account. Here's why... Words: 420

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