Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: dividends

Financial Terminology Deciphered (+2K Views)

"I have no idea what you are talking about!" If that is your expression when you [listen to the commentators and] look at figures and terms scrolling on CNBC or any other business or finance news channel, this article is specifically designed to suit your needs. Words: 782

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4 Ways to Shelter Your Wealth & Pay Less Taxes (+2K Views)

Overall tax rates are going to continue creeping higher in the years ahead so take advantage of every legal means you can to shelter your wealth and watch it grow with as little interference from Uncle Sam as you can. Here are 4 such ways to do just that - pay less taxes!

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Only 2 High Yield S&P 500 Dividend Stocks are Sound Investments

It would seem these days that, with bonds, CDs and money market funds paying less than the rate of inflation, serious consideration should be given to S&P 500 stocks that high dividend yields. The number are few (17) but when you take into account the dividends paid out relative to earnings, the extent and consistency of dividend growth over the years and trading at a relatively low price to earning ratio the choices only 2 make the cut. Words: 740

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