Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: derivatives

The Developing Disaster Facing the U.S. Dollar & the World (+14K Views)

When the supply of something is increased sharply relative to demand, the value of that commodity will decline. If the supply continues to increase rapidly and indefinitely, then that item will become worth less and less, with the potential to finally become nearly worthless. This is the Developing Disaster facing the US Dollar and the world. This is the factor that could become the single most important criterion in investment allocation decisions and possibly even for individual financial survival.

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Finally! Someone With the Balls to Face Reality and Outline the Probable Outcome & Utter Hopelessness of America’s Debt Problems (+7K Views)

Many articles are being written these days that more or less scope the dire financial circumstances the U.S. is in. That being said, I had not been able to find one "analyst" - even one - who had the guts to outline the probable outcome and general hopelessness of the situation and to offer any meaningful prescription for investors to survive this coming catastrophe - until now. Words: 710

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Derivatives: Their Origin, Evolvement and Eventual Corruption – Got Gold! (+5K Views)

The term “derivative” has become a dirty, if not evil word. So much of what ails our global financial system has been laid-at-the-feet of this misunderstood, mischaracterized term – derivatives. The purpose of this paper is to outline the origin, growth and ultimately the corruption of the derivatives market – and explain how something originally designed to provide economic utility has morphed into a tool of abusive, manipulative economic tyranny. Words: 3355

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Derivatives Are Nothing More Than A “Game” of Russian Roulette! Here’s Why (+4K Views)

Russian Roulette: Put one bullet in the cylinder of a revolver, spin the cylinder, point the gun at YOUR head, and pull the trigger. Most revolvers have 6 chambers, so your odds of surviving are 5 in 6, IF you quit after pulling the trigger once. Press your luck, spin the cylinder, point the gun, and pull the trigger again. It might be okay. Try for a third time? Now let's play Russian roulette - derivatives style.

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Financial Armageddon Approaches: 6 Major U.S. Banks Betting 24x More Money Than They Have Via Derivatives (+4K Views)

Deutsche Bank’s catastrophic derivative exposure has hammered down its stock price from $135 in 2007 to only $17/share today - ergo a heart-stopping price loss of -87%. Furthermore, DB’s stock price appears to be hell bent for leather to follow Lehman Brothers’ lethal path to Wall Street’s graveyard due primarily to its oppressive derivative’s exposure. As Warren Buffett has said: “Derivatives are weapons of mass destruction.”

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LOOK! Financial System Collapsing Right Before Our Eyes

The most common question I hear is "when". When does the system collapse? When will we experience a re-set? I think this is a very odd question because if you stand back far enough you should be able to see that you are, in actuality, watching it! We are all so close and watching day by day movements, we are missing the big picture. The collapse is happening right before your eyes. "When" is a process and you are watching history!

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Strange Things (6) Are Happening In World Financial Markets (+2K Views)

Interesting things have certainly been happening in the underpinnings of global markets — things that either run counter to long-standing financial logic, or represent an unusual dislocation in the “normal” state of market affairs, or were once rare occurrences but have been happening with increasing frequency. Here’s a rundown.

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“Checkmate” Is Right Around the Corner For Stock Market & Economy – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Economically we are experiencing the birth pangs of the coming Great Depression and, as we get closer to the crisis that is looming on the horizon, they will become even more powerful. The warning signs are all there – we just have to be open to what they are telling us. This article identifies the many parallels between past economic downturns and what is happening right now.

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