Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Central Gold Trust

What You Need to Know Before Investing in Silver (+5K Views)

I believe there is more opportunity in the silver market over the next two years relative to gold and, as such I'm now advocating accumulating a large overweight position in silver relative to gold because, over the long-term, there is such a great demand vs. supply situation developing....Before investing in silver, however, there are a number very important things that you must understand about the silver market. Let me explain. Words: 899

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There is a MUCH Better Way to Own Gold Than Via ETFs and ETRs – Here’s How (+3K Views)

Late last year the Royal Canadian Mint intoduced an Exchange Traded Receipt (ETR) in another long line of paper-gold investments that are now trading on securities exchanges worldwide. It, like all of the other programs, comes with a slew of fees and risks. [Why not take personal physical possession of your gold or silver, store it in an allocated and secure non-government vault, be able to have any or all of it shipped to you immediately upon request - and for dramatically less than any ETF or ETR? Let me explain how easily it is to do just that.] Words: 1601

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Negative Sentiment Suggests Buying Gold & Silver Stocks NOW

Relative to gold, gold stocks are now +30% cheaper than they were at the bottom of [the previous] 20 year long bear market [and that, in addition to the current negative sentiment for the PM sector, suggests that now might be an ideal time to get your fair share of PM stocks and/or their associated warrants. Let's take a look at some charts that support my point of view]. Words: 908

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