Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: bullion

Your Portfolio Isn’t Adequately Diversified Without 7-15% in Precious Metals – Here’s Why (+9K Views)

The traditional view of portfolio management is that three asset classes, stocks, bonds and cash, are sufficient to achieve diversification. This view is, quite simply, wrong because over the past 10 years gold, silver and platinum have singularly outperformed virtually all major widely accepted investment indexes. Precious metals should be considered an independent asset class and an allocation to precious metals, as the most uncorrelated asset group, is essential for proper portfolio diversification.

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The 6 Most Commonly Held Anti-Gold Beliefs That Don’t Hold Water

...Many in the investment community swear by the old myths about gold, but is there any truth in them? If investors examined the facts, they would find that the most commonly held anti-gold beliefs do not hold water and, once the general public realizes that these beliefs are not valid, the price of gold will be much higher.

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Gold Bulls Shouldn’t Buy Gold Stocks!

With the Bank of Japan's latest move to fight deflation and seemingly to start another round of global competitive currency devaluation, it...makes sense to hold some gold in a portfolio. However, I remain of the opinion that it makes no sense for gold bulls to hold gold stocks over bullion. [This article explains why that is the case.] Words: 281

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Believe It or Not: Only 1 Fund Has Outperformed Physical Gold Since 2007! (+2K Views)

Out of the 7,500 separate mutual funds available, and with 22,000 shares classes to choose from, only 1 fund - just ONE fund - actually managed to achieve a greater percentage return than gold bullion since the alarm bells rang out at the turn of 2007! [That being said, are you still one of the 99% of investors who, for whatever reason (are you foolishly listening to the "advice" provided by your stock broker/securities salesman going under the guise of a financial "advisor"), is still without any physical gold or silver?] Words: 395

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Don’t Be Misled! Here Are Five Common Myths About Silver (+3K Views)

Oftentimes perception, and not reality, rules the day with the thousands or millions of speculators placing short term bets with assets like silver. These perceptions are particularly strong given that paper players in the silver market often control the price in the short term (6-8 months), since there is so much more paper silver than physical metal out there...Here are five common myths about silver that I bet many speculators still believe are true. Words: 1638

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Gold Mining Stocks Are CHEAP Compared to Price of Gold

So far in 2011 gold prices have increased [approx. 8] percent.. while the stocks of gold [mining] companies in the HUI have... declined 13%...[As such,] this year’s carnage has created a substantial opportunity to buy healthy gold mining companies at their second-cheapest level in nearly 30 years compared to gold bullion. [Let me explain.] Words: 1265

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