Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: $150 silver

Silver: 14 Specific Peak Price Predictions (+9K Views)

Over the years only 14 pundits have been bold enough to provide a specific date as to when their forecast for the future price of silver would be realized. This article provides that information along with the criteria & rationale for their determinations.

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Noonan: Here’s Why Silver Is So Low & What To Do About It (+3K Views)

The demand for silver has grown exponentially in the past few years (record sales for American Eagle coins, record buying in India), but supply, on the other hand, keeps diminishing...Whenever there is a situation where demand rises sharply, while supply commensurately declines, it is a recipe for higher prices, and usually, much higher prices. This is true, unless one is talking about the silver market...[which] is at its lowest levels in the past three years. With talk of silver going anywhere from $150 to $500 higher, it currently struggles to hold $20. Why is this so?

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