Tuesday , 18 March 2025

Stephen Leeb: Junior Gold Miners Could Go Up 10-fold In Next Few Years! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

I think the junior gold miners sector could up ten fold over the next few years based on gold just going to $3,000 or $3,500 [let alone to] $5,000 or $10,000 which I think is possible. Here’s why.

So says Stephen Leeb in edited excerpts from an interview with King World News as provided by Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in its entirety in any re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Leeb goes on to say, [you can read the full article here] in part:

This is a nerve-racking time for holders of gold and the shares, but it’s an exciting time. People may be frowning right now, but I can tell you a year from now they will have smiles cheek to cheek.

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If investors step back and look at this from a longer-term perspective, they will realize that politicians feel the only way out of this mess is to print more money. After the money printing will come the inflation. It will be higher inflation than anything we’ve seen in the post-World War II period and it will send gold, silver and all commodities skyrocketing.

2. Stephen Leeb: We Will See Three Digit Silver in a Couple of Years & Much Higher Gold Prices! Here’s Why


The Western world is going to need even more easing, more money. All of this is incredibly bullish for gold longer-term. I do think you have to navigate the end of the euro before the next massive move in gold, but that’s coming. It’s possible that gold may get hit initially as the euro fails, but you have to buy it if it does.

3. Leeb: Gold Going to $3,000 Before the End of 2012!


The Fed is [going to] keep interest rates at zero until the end of 2014 [and that] is as aggressive as it gets and as bullish as it gets for gold. Inflation will be let out of the bag, maybe for the next three to four years. In this environment gold and silver are the best investments around…We are really talking about the next leg higher in this bull market…This is the leg I expect to take gold to $3,000 before the end of 2012.

4. Stephen Leeb: Silver’s Going to $60, $70, by the End of 2012 – Easy!


I think scarcity in oil is a dramatic tailwind for gold. Politicians will inflate. They don’t want oil to bring down the economy like it did in 2008. Remember, this inflation will take place with commodity prices already high. So this will create significant inflation. This means higher gold and silver. Gold at $3,000 by the end of the year, easy. Silver $60, $70, easy.

5. Gold/Silver & Mining Stocks Going From Their Cycle Bottoms to Parabolic Peaks by 2015

Once every year gold and stocks form a major yearly cycle low while other commodities form a major cycle bottom every 2 1/2 to 3 years. Occasionally all three of these major cycles hit at the same time….That’s what’s happening right now and it should lead to a powerful rally over the next 2 years, culminating in 2014 when the dollar forms its next 3 year cycle low. Words: 622

6. Now’s the Time to Take Advantage of Current Discount on Mining Shares – Here’s Why


Gold stocks are now trading as though peace, prosperity, balanced budgets, and the repudiation of fiat currencies were about to break out across the globe, sending the metal back to $1,000 per ounce in the very near future. Given the stagflation conditions in the developed world, however, and governments’ proclivity to use money printing in order to jump-start an economy, it may be wise to take advantage of the current discount being offered on mining shares.

7. John Embry: ‘Plunge Protection Team’ Hard at Work While Investors Puke Up Mining Stocks!


Most novice investors don’t understand the fundamentals and so they are puking up the mining stocks because they just want out but…this is when you want to buy, when sentiment is negative and fundamentals are astoundingly positive.

8. Precious Metals: Don’t Want To Play Anymore?


We suspect that many precious metals investors are saying, “We don’t want to play anymore!” and our reply is, “You mean you want to quit right now? Right at the bottom of this cycle? You must be crazy – and that is crazy with a capital C!” True, this is a very challenging market environment for resource shares, but we know what the ultimate outcome will be: higher share prices. The only question is “when” and our opinion is that we are very close in time (within days or a week or two at most) of being able to say that the lows are behind us. Let me explain. Words: 785

9. Sprott: Current HUI Level Spells O-P-P-O-R-T-U-N-I-T-Y


Before we end the year we will hit new highs in both [gold and silver]. Then the mining stocks [will] react. The big problem has been [to date has been that] there is not this momentum in the prices of bullion, which is keeping people away from the gold stocks. If we can get the price of gold and silver going back up, I’m sure people will come back into the mining stocks.

10. Jeff Clark: Are Gold Stocks Still Going to Bring the Anticipated Magic? Yes, Here’s Why


We’re invested in gold stocks not just to make money, but for the chance to change our lifestyles and with their lackadaisical [dare I say dismal] year-to-date performance, one may begin to wonder if they’re still going to bring the magic. [Here are my views on the subject.] Words: 740

11. John Embry: PM Stocks One of the Greatest Buying Opportunities of ALL Time!


If we’re not at a bottom [in gold and silver and precious metals stocks], we’re very close to it. The sentiment is dismal and you can see that particularly in the stocks which are almost tragic. I’m shocked quite frankly at the valuations and how low they are. In the fullness of time, this will be seen as one of the great buying opportunities of all-time.

12. Get Positioned: “Gold Rush” Will Cause Gold Stocks to SOAR – Here’s Why


Whatever their reasons, the number of investors wanting exposure to gold is increasing. Many who ignored it a decade ago are now buying. Those who started buying, say, five years ago, continue purchasing it today in spite of paying twice what they paid then. Slowly but surely, it’s becoming more important to more people…but what happens when it becomes a must-own asset to a substantial majority instead of a small minority? Sure, the price will rise, probably parabolically, but putting aside speculation on the price of gold for now, have you thought about what happens if you have trouble finding any actual, physical gold to buy? [Let’s explore that possibility and what that would mean for gold stocks in such an eventuality.] Words: 870

13. James Turk: Gold Stocks Are Making History – Here’s Why


We’re making history here. Gold stocks have never been this undervalued before. We’ve had a 12 year bull market in gold, but we’ve also had a 15 year bear market in the mining shares…It’s very rare in market history to see an outlier like this. This is an extraordinary event. Years from now we are going to look back and shake our heads in disbelief at how undervalued gold stocks were in 2012.

14. Is it Time to Load Up on Gold Stocks?


By almost any measure, gold stocks are undervalued but should we load up? Gold mining companies are earning record margins. Stock prices, however, have not responded in similar fashion but when the broader investing community begins to take notice, investors will snap up these highly profitable stocks and push prices higher. The “catch up” in gold stocks could be tremendous but the question, of course, is timing. We don’t know when gold stocks will begin to catch up and the data don’t suggest they must rise right now or that they’ve hit bottom so should we load up just now? Words: 590