Friday , 26 July 2024

‘Socialism Light’ to Morph Into Full-blown Socialism and Result in Decline of Industrial Civilization! Here's Why

What we have had in the West, in recent decades, has been the welfare state..., what I would call ‘socialism light’…The people in power, the elite, do not want to relinquish their power so they plan to retain it under full-blown socialism for the populations of the West….This…means the inevitable decline of industrial civilization, and the inevitable impoverishment of the world’s population….

So says Hugo Salinas Price in edited excerpts from an interview with King World News as provided by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in its entirety in any re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Price concludes his interview (For the full interview go here. It is a VERY interesting, indeed provocative, read) by saying:

For those people who want to protect themselves, they are going to have to be imaginative in trying to protect themselves in whatever way they can from this onslaught of centralized government. Everybody should constitute a reserve of something that will function as ‘real’ money because there will be continued abuse of fiat money in order to fund the socialist state.

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