Tuesday , 18 March 2025

Richard Russell’s Alarming (Alarmist?) Views on the VERY Near Future: Crime, Chaos, Collapse & Skyrocketing Gold (+2K Views)

Get ready…Save some cash, load up with gold and silver, and be patient…Start by buying top-grade dividend-paying stocks and gold on dips or corrections, and hold your gold. This era will see the catastrophic collapse of all fiat money. Gold should skyrocket. Get ready for crime and violence…

So says Richard Russell in edited excerpts from a King World News interview, as provided by Lorimer wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in its entirety in any re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Russell concludes the interview [it can be read in its entirety here] by saying:

The eurozone will come apart. The barter system will be king. Real estate, gold, silver and diamonds will be the main vehicles of wealth (along with weapons). Start now watching the stocks of Sturm Ruger… and Smith & Wesson. [Read this article on the stunning growth in guns.]

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