Tuesday , 18 February 2025

Protect Yourself From Sovereign Debt Defaults With Physical Gold and Silver

What should individuals do to protect themselves from sovereign debt defaults, rampant growth in the money supply and currency devaluation stemming from inflation or hyperinflation? Quite simply, everyone’s priority safe haven protection should be precious metals. Words: 1166

So says Arnold Bock (www.FinancialArticleSummariesToday.com) in an article edited by Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.munKNEE.com  (It’s all about Money!), for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.  

Bock goes on to say:

If the implications of the recent Greek tragedy were not so serious it would have been seen more as a Greek comedy (of fiscal errors). In fact, however, to deploy another metaphor, Greece’s sovereign debt is seen as the proverbial canary in the coal mine – a microcosm of the relentlessly growing sovereign debt that has taken much of Europe by storm and is threatening to spread to the U.S.

Indeed, what we have seen to date is nothing more than a short-term bail out – a temporary hiatus – before Greece buries itself in its very own long-term debt tomb leading to its inevitable default. In the process it will have established a very dangerous precedent. Let me explain:

Short-Term Bail Out
Fifteen other member nations comprising the Euro currency club have recently saved colleague Greece from defaulting on its debt…for now. On the surface this solution is just what any Keynesian economist, in good standing with his fraternity brethren, would advocate because, as part of the bargain, Greece has agreed to implement a variety of painful spending constraints which will result in a much reduced standard of living for its people. In spite of such action, however, Greek debt will continue to grow to 150 percent of GDP by 2012.

Long-Term Debt Tomb
Unfortunately, however, this new bailout provokes and perpetuates a series of errors because Greece cannot, and will not, be extricated from its debt tomb. According to the UK Telegraph, Greece will now be doomed to transferring to foreign creditors an amount equal to 8 percent of its GDP in perpetuity…much more than German reparations to foreign creditors after WWI. It cannot, and will never, be repaid.

Temporary Hiatus
Further proof that these loans will provide only temporary relief is recent research by economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff in their new book “This Time is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly.” They concluded that when sovereign debt exceeds a level of over 80 percent of its GDP, that debt grows ever more rapidly invariably pushing the country into financial default.


Inevitable Default
If we are to take the Reinhart/Rogoff research at face value then all that this recent bailout of Greece has done is buy it some time before its inevitable financial default. It also allows Euro countries, the IMF and other agencies and persons with responsibilities for debt issues to work their magic. Moreover, it conveys hope to other countries on the brink of financial collapse. It defers the calamity and appeals to the overwhelming need of politicians everywhere to avoid and escape responsibility, if only to have the debt implosion occur on someone else’s watch.

Dangerous Precedent
While the temporary hiatus given to Greece should be characterized as default deferral, it also, unfortunately, sets a highly dangerous precedent. Each of the next Euro default candidates – Portugal, Spain and Italy – comprise of much larger economies which will therefore require substantially greater levels of assistance. Of course, fairness will demand that they too receive an equivalent boost from their Euro partners and backstopping by the IMF.

Was This a Sovereign Debt Bailout or a Bank Bailout?
A closer look at Greece’s bailout details brings to light something else which should raise serious concern. Who are the foreign creditors which Greece is having difficulty paying? While the current bailout originates among the taxpayers of the sixteen member nations of the Euro group, the existing debt which is in danger of default is held by foreign banks – not foreign nations. These foreign banks are headquartered in France, Germany, Switzerland, the UK and elsewhere. This begs a few unanswered questions:

a) Is this a Greek government bailout or is it an indirect bailout of foreign banks by their own governments under the guise of loans to the government of Greece?

b) Will this Greek script be played out on the stages of other Euro nations?

c) Will it spread to the United Kingdom and the United States?

Will the Debt Default Disease Eventually Spread to the U.S.?
U.S. national debt now stands at $12.78 Trillion, more than twice what it was in the year 2000 – and the President Obama’s budget director admits that the on-budget debt level will reach close to $20 Trillion by 2020, almost double over what it was just over one year ago. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office says it will be even higher. As major as those debts are, however, the genuinely mind-boggling debt projections are the future commitments to citizens for such services as Social Security and Medicare, as well as a myriad of additional federal government obligations. These Unfunded Contingent Liabilities are now well beyond the $100 Trillion level. Some calculate the number is closer to $137 Trillion. Remember that these pending expenditures are the unfunded portions. No money has been set aside, just another promise.

It has been calculated that the net present value of these future budget needs is in the neighbourhood of $35 Trillion. What that means is that $35 Trillion of 2010 dollars would be required today in order to invest to meet the $137 Trillion United States government responsibilities to its citizens in the years ahead.

a) the current budget debt of $12.78 Trillion
b) is combined with the $35 Trillion net present value for future obligations
c) the $1.5 Trillion of continuing annual deficits for as far as the eye can see is added in
d) future rising interest rates from their current multi-generational lows are factored in

it is clearly evident that America’s debt picture is truly astronomical and, like the situation with Greece, the debt cannot, and never will, be repaid. Indeed, any way you look at it, the consequences for the United States, let alone the many other haunted economies, are grim, dismal – even disastrous.

As long as bond creditors retain a modicum of confidence in the respective debtor nations the ‘Greek’ tragedy can continue for awhile longer, maybe even indefinitely, but should interest rates spike northward or external events affect regional economies or the entire global financial system, it is highly likely we will witness a sudden unscripted end.

So how should you protect yourself from sovereign debt defaults? Gold and silver in the form of bullion, select precious metals mining stocks and certain long-term gold and silver mining company warrants should be the go-to investment of choice. There is no better protection available PERIOD!