Friday , 14 March 2025

Nigel Farage: The Only Way to Avoid a Depression Is a Break Up of the European Union

We still don’t have many political voices [in the European Union] that have the courage to say, ‘We’re headed for the rocks, and before we hit the rocks, let’s take a different course. Let’s try to break this thing up peaceably, before it ends in disaster….The establishment always supports the status quo…but actually, I think the only way we can avoid a depression is to break this (the EU) up.

So says Nigel Farage in edited excerpts from an interview with King World News as provided by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in its entirety in any re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Farage goes on to say, (you can read the full interview here and listen to it by CLICKING HERE.) in part:

I now believe the euro and the whole euro system are in the deepest crisis that we’ve seen. We are in totally uncharted, chaotic territory. In some ways the ball is very much on the German side of the court. If they are unable to impose the discipline they thought this new Compact Treaty would give them, then maybe it’s the Germans that say, ‘Right, Greece you’ve got to leave.’

We know once Greece leaves, the dominos start to fall. [Read: Germany Could Initiate the Collapse of the European Union Within Months – Here’s Why]

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