Friday , 14 March 2025

James Dines: America is Racing Towards a Coming Great Depression (+2K Views)

America is racing toward a brick wall, while its credit card is maxed out. America’s so-called recovery, from the 2008 crash, has been called ‘The Great Recession’ by apologists [but] we have continued to predict that it’s the ‘Coming Great Depression.’

So says James Dines in edited excerpts from an interview with King World News as provided by Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in its entirety in any re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Dines concludes the interview (you can read the full interview here and listen to it by CLICKING HERE) by saying:

Meanwhile, gold and silver are in long-term ‘Super Major Uptrends.’ That’s one way to protect yourself, and that’s for survival purposes, not for capital gains. Whatever happens next, sooner or later the world must return to wealth in the ground. So, I think that mining stocks deserve a place in all farsighted portfolios.

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