Saturday , 15 March 2025

Silver’s Historical Correlation with Gold Suggests A Parabolic Top As High As $714 per Ounce! (+6K Views)

83 respected economists, academics, gold analysts and market commentators (see list below) are of the firm opinion that gold is going to go to at least $2,500 if not as high as $10,000 per ounce (or more) before the parabolic top is reached. As such, just imagine what is in store for silver given its historical price relationship with gold. We’re looking at an extreme case scenario of a future parabolic top of perhaps as much as $714 per ounce for silver, the ‘poor man’s gold’. Let me explain.

By: Lorimer Wilson; Words: 1694

The current price of gold and the price of silver – the silver:gold ratio – continues to hover around the 67:1 range which is way out of whack with the historical relationship between the two precious metals. It begs the question:

“Is now the perfect time to buy silver instead of the much more expensive gold metal?”

It is critical to step away from all the noise and clutter that passes for knowledge and take the time to gain perspective on where the price of gold and silver are in terms of the ‘big picture’, i.e., where they are in respect to their historical relationship with each other over the long, medium and short term and, based on those relationships, how they might perform in the future.

Bull Market Stages
The key to a secular gold/silver bull is the collective gold/silver transactions of investors worldwide buying and selling gold/silver that ultimately sets the price and determines their fortunes. The collective demand trends of gold/silver investors effectively divide precious metals bulls into 3 distinct demand-driven stages, namely:

1. Stage One which occurs when a devaluation of the dominant currency in which gold is priced, i.e. the USD, leads to a moderate increase in the price of gold. Stage One for gold began on February 15th, 2001 when it reached a 22-year secular low of just $255.10.

2. Stage Two which occurs when the decoupling of gold from local-currency devaluation begins to outpace the dollar’s losses and gold starts rising significantly in virtually all currencies worldwide. Stage Two began on June 5th, 2005 when gold (at $417.67US) first surpassed 350 Euros for the first time.

3. Stage Three which occurs when the general public around the world starts investing in gold and this deluge of capital into gold causes it to escalate dramatically (i.e. to go parabolic) in price. We are approaching Stage Three and it will become clearly evident when the price for gold begins its daily record ascents to dramatically higher prices.

We are now in the very early stages of Stage Three with gold having gone up 24% in 2009 and up 13.3% in the first 6 months of 2010. As such there are no shortage of prognosticators who see gold going parabolic reminiscent of 1979 when gold rose 289.3% in the course of just over a year (from a $216.55 closing price on Jan. 1, 1979 to a closing price of $843 per ounce barely a year later on Jan. 21, 1980) and 128% higher in a late-1979 parabolic blow-off of just under 11 weeks! A 289% increase in the price of gold from $1250 would put gold at $4,866. That being the case what appear on the surface to be rather outlandish projections of what the bull market in gold will top out at don’t seem quite so far-fetched.

Below is a list of the parabolic tops for gold as discussed in articles and/or speeches by 83 well known economists, academics, market analysts and financial commentators. Their prognoses are limited to those above the CPI adjusted 2010 price of $2,300 and they are grouped according to the extent each individual sees gold appreciating over the next few years (and next few months in a few cases).

The list below is provided on my site – – with a link to the actual article in which each estimate was put forth if you care to check out the rationale behind each individual’s projections.

(If, in checking out the list, you find a name missing please send me his/her name and the URL of the article in which the individual states his/her case. I am only interested in projections of gold achieving a parabolic top of at least $2,500 per ounce. Send the email to

Higher than $10,000
1. Mike Maloney: $15,000;
2. Ben Davies; $10,000 – $15,000;
3. Howard Katz: $14,000;
4. Dr. Jeffrey Lewis: $7,000-$14,000;
5. Jim Rickards: $4,000 – $11,000
6. Roland Watson: $10,800 (in our lifetime)

$5,001 – $10,000
1. Bob Kirtley: $10,000 (by 2011);
2. Arnold Bock: $10,000 (by 2012);
3. Porter Stansberry: $10,000 (by 2012);
4. Tom Fischer: $10,000;
5. Shayne McGuire: $10,000;
6. Eric Hommelberg: $10,000;
7. Jim Willie: $7,000;
8. Gerald Celente: $6,000 – $10,000;
9. Samuel “Bud” Kress: $6,000 (by 2014);
10. Peter Schiff: $5,000 – $10,000 (in 5 to 10 years);
11. Egon von Greyerz: $5,000 – $10,000;
12. Patrick Kerr: $5,000 – $10,000 (by 2011);
13. Peter Millar: $5,000 – $10,000;
14. Roger Wiegand; $5,000 – $10,000;
15. Alf Field: $4,250 – $10,000;
16. Peter George: $3,000 (by 2011-13); $10,000 (by Dec. 2015);
17. Jeff Nielson: $3,000 – $10,000;
18. Dennis van Ek: $9,000 (by 2015);
19. James Turk: $8,000 (by 2015);
20. Joseph Russo: $7,000 – $8,000;
21. David Petch; $6,000 – $$8,000;
22. Michael Rozeff: $2,865 – $7,151;
23. Martin Murenbeeld: $3,100 – $7,000;
24. Dylan Grice: $6,300;
25. Chuck DiFalco: $6,214 (by 2018);
26. Aubie Baltin: $6,200 (by 2017);
27. Murray Sabrin: $6,153;
28. Harry Schultz: $6,000;
29. Lawrence Hunt: $5,000 – $6,000 (by 2019);
30. Paul Brodsky/Lee Quaintance: $3,000 – $6,000;
31. Jeremy Charlesworth: $5,000+

1. David Rosenberg: $5,000;
2. Martin Hutchinson: $5,000 (by end of 2010);
3. Doug Casey: $5,000;
4. Peter Cooper: $5,000;
5. Robert McEwen: $5,000;
6. Martin Armstrong: $5,000 (by 2016);
7. Peter Krauth: $5,000;
8. Tim Iacono: $5,000 (by 2017);
9. Christopher Wyke: $5,000;
10. Frank Barbera: $5,000;
11. John Lee: $5,000;
12. Barry Dawes: $5,000

$2,500 – $5,000
1. Pierre Lassonde: $4,000 – $5,000;
2. Willem Middelkoop: $4,000 – $5,000;
3. Mary Anne and Pamela Aden: $3,000 – $5,000 (by February 2012);
4. Jim Dines: $3,000 – $5,000;
5. Larry Edelson: $2300 – $5,000 (by 2015);
6. Luke Burgess: $2,000- – $5,000;
7. Ian Gordon/Christopher Funston: $4,000;
8. Mike Knowles: $4,000;
9. D.P. Baker: $3,000 – $3750;
10. Christopher Wood: $3,500 (in 2010);
11. Adam Hamilton: $3,500 (by 2010/11);
12. Eric Roseman: $2,500 – $3,500 (by 2015);
13. John Henderson: $3,000+ (by 2015-17);
14. Hans Goetti: $3,000;
15. Michael Yorba: $3,000;
16. David Tice: $3,000 (by 2012);
17. David Urban; $3,000;
18. Mitchell Langbert: $3,000;
19. Brett Arends: $3,000;
20. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: $3,000;
21. Trader Mark: $3,000 (by mid-2011);
22. John Williams: $3,000;
23. Louise Yamada: $3,000;
24. Byron King: $3,000;
25. $3,000;
26. Bob Chapman: $3,000 (by 2011);
27. Chris Weber: $3,000 (by 2020);
28. Ian McAvity: $2,500 – $3,000 (by 2012);
29. Jeff Nichols: $2,000 – $3,000;
30. Graham French: $2,000 – $3,000;
31. Joe Foster: $2,000 – $3,000 (by 2019);
32. Sascha Opel: $2,500+;
33. Rick Rule: $2,500 (by 2013);
34. Daniel Brebner: $2,500

Silver has proven itself, time and again, to be a safe haven for investors during times of economic uncertainty and, as such, with the current economy in difficulty the silver market has become a flight to quality investment vehicle. The 49% increase in silver in 2009 attests to that in spades (albeit up only 10% in the first 6 months of 2010). During the last parabolic phase for silver in 1979/80 silver went from a low of $5.94 on January 2nd, 1979 to a close of $49.45 in early January, 1980 which represented an increase of 732.5% in just over one year. Such a percentage increase from the current price for silver would represent a future parabolic top price of $155. Frankly, such prices seem impossible in practical terms but that is what the numbers tell us.

Silver:Gold Ratio
How both gold and silver perform, in and of themselves, does not tell the complete picture by a long shot, however. More important is the price relationship – the correlation – of one to the other over time which is called the silver:gold ratio.
Based on silver’s historical correlation r-square with gold of approximately 90 – 95% silver’s daily trading action almost always mirrors, and usually amplifies, underlying moves in gold. With significant increases in the price of gold expected over the next few years even greater increases are anticipated in silver’s price movement in the months and years to come because silver is currently seriously undervalued relative to gold as the following historical relationships attests.

Let’s look at the silver:gold ratio from several different perspectives:
– Over the past 125 years the mean silver:gold ratio (i.e. 50% above and 50% below) has been 45.69 ounces of silver to 1 ounce of gold.
– In the last 25 years (since 1985) the mean silver:gold ratio has increased to 66.9:1
– The present silver:gold ratio is range-bound between 63:1 and 70:1 (66.77:1 at the end of June 2010).
– Interestingly, during the build-up to the parabolic blow-off in 1979/80 silver outpaced gold going up 732.5% vs. gold’s 289.3% causing the ratio to drop from 38:1 in January 1979 to 13.99:1 at the parabolic peak for both metals in January,1980.

There are many! Let’s look at the various price levels for gold and the various silver:gold ratios mentioned above one by one and see what conclusions we can draw.

First let’s use the mid-year (June 30th, 2010) price of $1243 for gold and apply the various silver:gold ratios mentioned above and see what they do for the potential % increase in, and price of, silver.

Gold @ $1243 using the current 66.77:1 silver:gold ratio puts silver at $18.61 (June 30/10)
Gold @ $1243 using the above 45.69:1 silver:gold ratio puts silver at $27.20 (i.e. +46.2%)
Gold @ $1243 using the above 13.99:1 silver:gold: ratio puts silver at $88.85 (i.e. +377.4%)

Now let’s apply the projections made above by the various economists, academics, gold analysts and market commentators listed above to the silver:gold ratio and see what that suggests is the parabolic top for silver.

@ $10,000 Gold
Gold @ $10,000 using the silver:gold ratio of 66:1 puts silver at $150
Gold @ $10,000 using the silver:gold ratio of 45:1 puts silver at $222
Gold @ $10,000 using the silver:gold ratio of 14:1 puts silver at $714!!

@ $5,000 Gold
Gold @ $5,000 using the silver:gold ratio of 66.1 puts silver at $75
Gold @ $5,000 using the silver:gold ratio of 45:1 puts silver at $111
Gold @ $5,000 using the silver:gold ratio of 14:1 puts silver at $357

@ $2,500 Gold
Gold @ $2,500 using the silver:gold ratio of 66:1 puts silver at $38
Gold @ $2,500 using the silver:gold ratio of 45:1 puts silver at $55.50
Gold @ $2,500 using the silver:gold ratio of 14:1 puts silver at $178.50

From the above it seems that, any way we look at it, physical silver is currently undervalued compared to gold bullion and is in position to generate substantially greater returns than investing in gold bullion.

History will look back at the artificially high silver to gold ratio of the past century as an anomaly, caused by the dollar bubble and the world being deceived into believing that fiat currencies are real money, when in fact they’re all an illusion. This fiat currency experiment will end badly in a currency crisis. The wealthiest people will be those who bought silver today and were smart enough to research and pick the best silver mining stocks and warrants.

Indeed, while gold’s meteoric rise still has room to run, silver’s run is yet to get started. As such, it certainly appears evident that now is the time to buy all things silver.

Editor’s Note:
The above article consists of reformatted edited excerpts from the original for the sake of brevity, clarity and to ensure a fast and easy read. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered.
Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.
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  1. QE1 didn’t work, but added a lot of debt. QE2 won’t work either, as more debt can’t solve the problems of too much debt. All one needs to do is to plot QE1 thru QE10 vs. the DXY (dollar index) to see where this will lead. Of course, QE10 isn’t here yet, but that day will arrive. Considering that nothing was fixed with QE1, you know there will be a QE2 and much more to come.

    At some point, all will agree that money printing will continue without limit. The loss of confidence in paper money will accelerate money velocity. The FED says they can drain the system of liquidity if confidence is lost. Really? How? Their portfolio consists of junk. Who will be the buyer? Many even consider the Treasury paper they hold to now be junk. Would you buy paper from a government that is running the printing press?

    How long will it take for the dollar to go to zero when confidence is lost? Look at Russia in 1998. All was well in the morning. By that afternoon, it was all over.

  2. In a deflationary depression, which is were i expect we will end up, commodities will underperform cash. The replacement of assets with debt has created a world wide problem where creditors will become very conservative. Fear is replacing greed and once that occurs deflation will accelerate. The normal boom/bust inflation/deflation cycle has been thwarted these last 50 years by the feds micro managemnt of money supply and easy credit. Compound that with the surge in credit card use and other means of replacing cash with debt and you have a situation where it is impossible to continue down that road. In fact consumers psychology has already changed. Saving and drawing down debt. Not a prescription for inflation. Job loss will accelerate and inversely wages.

    A world wide occurance that will not devalue the U.S. dollar against most currencies. Money has chased real estate, equities and now gold. If my theory is correct I believe we have already reached the apex in its price.

    The test will be the next equities crash, which should occur withing months.

  3. From the current issue of Jesse’s Cafe Americain

    ShadowStats: CPI-Alt Running 4.3%, Gold $2,382, Silver $139

    Something Weimar this way comes?

    There is almost no doubt in my mind that we will see these prices for gold and silver. I am just not sure exactly how we will get there, and when. But I expect the unexpected, or at least that which is not expected by the many.

    The gold / silver ratio between those prices is 17, which is close to the historically important ratio of about 16. The legal ratio of gold to silver set in France in 1803 was 15.5, and this was emulated in England and later in the US.

    Obviously I am thinking of a return to a world bi-metallic ‘weak standard’ through the inclusion of both gold and silver in the basket of currencies that will be replacing the dollar as a unit of value in international trade. There are also several movements in the developing world to adopt silver for domestic use as a store of value. I think they will gain some traction as the currency wars intensify.

    The current ratio is about 67. I cannot help but feel that silver is going to be simply amazing when its time comes, in part due to the decades of price suppression by US banking institutions.

    According to the latest report from Shadowstats:

    Alternative Consumer Inflation Measures

    “Adjusted to pre-Clinton (1990) methodology, annual CPI inflation was roughly 4.3% in June 2010, versus 5.4% in May, while the SGS-Alternate Consumer Inflation Measure, which reverses gimmicked changes to official CPI reporting methodologies back to 1980, was about 8.4% (8.37% for those using the extra digit) in June, versus 9.2% in May.

    The SGS-Alternate Consumer Inflation Measure adjusts on an additive basis for the cumulative impact on the annual inflation rate of various methodological changes made by the BLS. Over the decades, the BLS has altered the meaning of the CPI from being a measure of the cost of living needed to maintain a constant standard of living, to something that no longer reflects the constant-standard-of-living concept. Roughly five percentage points of the additive SGS adjustment reflect the BLS’s formal estimate of the impact of methodological changes; roughly two percentage points reflect changes by the BLS, where SGS has estimated the impact not otherwise published by the BLS.

    Gold and Silver Highs

    Adjusted for CPI-U/SGS Inflation. Despite another recent all-time high in the price of gold in the current cycle, gold and silver prices have yet to approach their historic high prices, adjusted for inflation. Even with the June 28th historic high gold price of $1,261.00 per troy ounce, the earlier all-time high of $850.00 (London afternoon fix, per of January 21, 1980 has not been breached in terms of inflation-adjusted dollars. Based on inflation through June 2010, the 1980 gold price peak would be $2,382 per troy ounce, based on not-seasonally-adjusted-CPI-U-adjusted dollars, and would be $7,689 per troy ounce in terms of SGS-Alternate-CPI-adjusted dollars.

    In like manner, the all-time high price for silver in January 1980 of $49.45 per troy ounce (London afternoon fix, per has not been hit since, including in terms of inflation-adjusted dollars. Based on inflation through June 2010, the 1980 silver price peak would be $139 per troy ounce, based on not-seasonally-adjusted-CPI-U-adjusted dollars, and would be $447 per troy ounce in terms of SGS-Alternate-CPI-adjusted dollars.

    As shown on page 22 in the Hyperinflation report, over the decades, the price of gold has more than compensated for the loss of the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar as reflected by CPI-U inflation, while it has effectively fully compensated for the loss of purchasing power of the U.S. dollar based on the SGS-Alternate CPI.”