Tuesday , 18 March 2025

Greek Default Hasn’t Lifted Price of Gold – Here’s Why Not

Gold generally rises with uncertainty and desperation – two things in no short supply right now in Europe – yet gold can’t even make it back above the psychologically important $1,200-an-ounce mark. Why is that?

The above edited excerpts and those below come from an article* by Chris Hunter (bonnerandpartners.com) originally entitled This Is Why Gold Is Weak which can be read in its original, unaltered, format, HERE.
There are at least 4 answers to that question:
  1. Greece doesn’t matter nearly as much as the mainstream press would have you believe. The Greek economy is about the same size as the economy of Atlanta, Georgia.
  2. Since Greece won independence from the Turks in the 1830s – just under 200 years ago – it’s been in default for roughly 90 of those years so what is happening again is absolutely no surprise.
  3. Roughly $313 billion of outstanding Greek debt, only about $45 billion – or 14% – is owed to the International Monetary Fund, the European Central Bank, and Europe’s rescue fund, the European Financial Stability Facility and these public institutions can better absorb any losses.
  4. Finally, and most importantly, the Greek crisis has kept the euro weak against the dollar. That’s a major problem for commodities because commodities prices have closely tracked the euro’s strength versus the dollar going back to the start of the single currency (see chart below). A strong euro tends to mean a weak dollar and a weak dollar tends to mean higher commodity prices. The reverse is also true, however, so as long as the euro remains weak against the dollar, commodities – including gold – will continue to suffer.

As such, as long as the Greek crisis keeps the euro weak… don’t expect fireworks from gold.

* http://bonnerandpartners.com/this-is-why-gold-is-weak/

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