Friday , 14 March 2025

Gold/Silver & Mining Stocks Going From Their Cycle Bottoms to Parabolic Peaks by 2015 (3K Views)

Once every year gold and stocks form a major yearly cycle low while other commodities form a major cycle bottom every 2 1/2 to 3 years. Occasionally all three of these major cycles hit at the same time….That’s what’s happening right now and it should lead to a powerful rally over the next 2 years, culminating in 2014 when the dollar forms its next 3 year cycle low. Words: 622

So says Toby Connor ( in edited excerpts from his original article*.
Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), has edited the article below for length and clarity – see Editor’s Note at the bottom of the page. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Connor goes on to say, in part:

The CRB Index and US Dollar Index 

The implications are that once the CRB has completed this major cycle bottom we should see generally higher prices over the next year and a half to two years, presumably topping during a major currency crisis as the dollar drops into its next three year cycle low in the fall of 2014. [Read:


I think the recent rally in gold is signaling that gold has put in its yearly cycle bottom. Since gold did not break below the December low of $1523 I think we can assume that this is a B-wave bottom and should be followed by the consolidation phase of a new C-wave that should break out to new highs either later in the fall or next spring. [Read:

The next two years should generate an even more impressive advance than the 2009-2011 rally, possibly even generating the bubble phase of the bull market in late 2014 or early 2015 as the dollar crisis reaches a crescendo. [Connor is not alone in his assessment that the peak will be in that timeframe. Read:

S&P 500 Index

As gold usually leads the stock market by a few days, we should see the stock market put in its yearly cycle low sometime in the next several days but the outlook for stocks is not as bright as the commodity sector. While I do think continued currency debasement will probably drive the stock market to at least marginal new highs I also think an increasing inflationary environment is going to compress profit margins and constrict consumer spending. After a long topping process the stock market and economy will probably roll over and follow the dollar down into that 2014 bottom. [Read:


The last C-wave for silver was from 2009 – 2011 with a 400%+ gain at the parabola top in May of last year. [Read:

Mining Stocks

The next C-wave will be the C-wave of the mining stocks. During the irrational selling over the last eight months mining stocks have reached levels of undervaluation that have only been seen one other time in history (2008) that drove a 320% rally over the next two years…I suspect we will see something similar or even larger as the market gets busy correcting this irrational undervaluation. [Read:


I think we are at, or very close to, what is likely to be a once or twice a decade opportunity in the metals sector, especially the mining stocks.

* (To access the above article please copy the URL and paste it into your browser.)

Editor’s Note: The above article may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…), and reformatted (including the title, some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article.


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Lately analyst after analyst (161 at last count) has been climbing on board the golden wagon with prognostications as to what the parabolic peak price for gold will eventually be. That being said, however, only 51 have been bold enough to include the year in which they think their peak price estimate will occur and they are listed below. Take a look at who is projecting what, by when and why. Words: 644

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Our Fractal Model suggests the wave for Gold in US Dollars will sweep up into the $3500 to $3600 area into the mid-year time-frame. The leading edge of that time-frame begins in May and extends out for a few months. A potential for Gold to spike to a $3900 extended fib level exists. Like all parabolic moves in Gold, the late stages create the biggest price movements. Personally, I would be happy with a huge Gold run up to the $3200 level. Words: 1400

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There is a strong probability that the correction in the price of gold [down to $1,523] has been completed. The up move just starting should be…the longest and strongest portion of the bull market…at least a 200% gain… [to] a price over $4,500. The largest corrections on the way to this target, of which there should be two, should be in the 12% to 14% range. [Let me explain how I came to the above conclusions.] Words: 760

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7. Leeb: Gold Going to $3,000 Before the End of 2012!


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9. Stephen Leeb: We Will See Three Digit Silver in a Couple of Years & Much Higher Gold Prices! Here’s Why


The Western world is going to need even more easing, more money. All of this is incredibly bullish for gold longer-term. I do think you have to navigate the end of the euro before the next massive move in gold, but that’s coming. It’s possible that gold may get hit initially as the euro fails, but you have to buy it if it does.


Silver Bars

Around this point in the fractal cycle in the late 70’s, Gold busted out of its channel to rise sharply higher, along with Silver. Silver’s channel top will lie up around $68 to $70 over the coming months which we believe will be reached in 2012. The next higher angled resistance bands for Silver run from $112 to $115, and then up at the $123 area. By the end of the Silver Bull, we expect to see Silver reach $500+. Words: 1765

11. James Turk: Silver Will Climb to $68-$70 in 2 to 3 Months

Silver Bars

Silver will climb to $68-$70 in 2 to 3 months once resistance at $35 is taken out… In many ways silver is positioned today like it was back in the summer of 2010… Regarding gold, as goes oil, so goes gold…and the bottom line is that the wind is at the back of the bulls in both the gold and oil markets.

12. Alf Field Sees Silver Reaching $158.34 Based on His $4,500 Gold Projection!

Silver Bars

This article was prompted by a question enquiring what the silver price might be if my gold forecast of $4,500 proved to be correct [see my article entitled “Alf Field: Correction in Gold is OVER and On Way to $4,500+!” and I have settled on] a target price of $158.34 for silver. [Let me explain how I came to that specific price.] Words: 850

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Silver Bars

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14. History Says Silver Could Become the Next 10-Bagger Investment! Here’s Why

Silver Bars

If you concur with the 159 analysts (see below) that maintain that physical gold is going to go parabolic in price in the next few years to $3,000, $5,000 or even $10,000 or more then you should seriously consider buying physical silver. Why? Because the historical gold:silver ratio is so way out of wack that silver should appreciate much more than gold as it goes parabolic in the years to come. Indeed, silver could easily reach $100 – $200 per troy ounce, maybe even $300 and conceivably in excess of $400 depending on how high gold goes. The aforementioned may be hard to believe but an analysis below of the historical price relationship between silver and gold suggests that such will most likely occur if gold does, indeed, go parabolic. Take a look. Words: 1423

15. Stephen Leeb: Silver’s Going to $60, $70, by the End of 2012 – Easy!


I think scarcity in oil is a dramatic tailwind for gold. Politicians will inflate. They don’t want oil to bring down the economy like it did in 2008. Remember, this inflation will take place with commodity prices already high. So this will create significant inflation. This means higher gold and silver. Gold at $3,000 by the end of the year, easy. Silver $60, $70, easy.

16. Now’s the Time to Take Advantage of Current Discount on Mining Shares – Here’s Why


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18. Charles Nenner: Dow to Peak in 2012 and Then Decline to 5,000!


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