Friday , 14 March 2025

Fiat Currencies from Around the World: An Interactive Quiz (+2K Views)

Paper money was first used by the Chinese during the Tang Dynasty in 806 AD–500 years before Europe began printing money in the 17th century. It would be another 100 years before America started circulating a national paper currency…. How familiar are you with banknotes from around the world?

So says an introduction to the interactive infographic from U.S. Global Investors ( which (Your Key to making Money!) is proud to present in its ongoing endeavour to bring its readers the most informative articles/infographics in as concise a manner as possible . This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Test your knowledge with this interactive quiz.

Other Infographics:

1. This Infographic on Gold Shows/Tells It All

The Gold Tree Infographic below visualizes above-ground stock, sources and uses of gold and pictures the different forms of gold investments – ranging from physical gold in the form of bullion gold to securities not backed by gold.

2. Vaulted Gold: What Is It and How Does It Compare With Other Gold Investments?


The infographic below on vaulted gold explains what vaulted gold is and visualizes key facts relating to investments in gold that is stored on behalf of investors in high-security vaults.

3. Take a Look: This Interactive Infographic Shows Gold’s Ongoing Interaction With World Events


As long as there have been people, there’s been an attraction to gold. From pharaohs to hedge funds, gold has been an important tool of building and protecting wealth. Take a look at the interactive gold timeline below which carries you through gold’s enduring path as a universal symbol of wealth.

4. Where in the World Does All the Gold Come From? Look at This Infographic

Gold-producing countries are found on nearly all continents, and represent the gamut of economies from developed super-powers to small, emerging market countries. With gold’s spectacular rise in price and related demand, it’s worth your time to know a little bit about where all the gold comes from.

5. What Does the Latest Rent vs. Buy Index Have to Say?

If you have been on the fence trying to decide if you should rent or buy, the market may be in your favor. According to Trulia’s Winter 2012 Rent vs. Buy Index it is now cheaper to buy a home rather than rent in 98 of the 100 largest U.S. metropolitan areas. How can that be? Take a look!

6. These Amazing Graphics Show Why Europe’s Financial Crisis is Globally Intertwined

The global financial system is highly interconnected so problems in one part of the world can reverberate almost everywhere else – risking a default, contagion, contracting credit and collapsing economic activity… [Take a look at the amazing graphic in this article to get] a visual guide of the intertwined complexities of the crisis.

7. How Smart Are You At Keeping Your Smartphone Safe from Identity Fraud?

Studies have shown that identity fraud has risen 13% since 2010 which can be attributed, in part, to the growing popularity of ‘smart’ cell phones. This infographic illustrates just what our phones reveal about us and offers precautionary tips to keep your phone safe from prying eyes and what to do if your phone is lost, stolen or misplaced.

8. Which U.S. Universities & Fields of Study Generate the Highest ROI?


Recent research by PayScale has revealed that the average ROI for U.S. university graduates (693 schools surveyed) is $387,501 over a 30-year period. 6 of the universities generated a return on investment for its graduates in excess of $1.6 million.

Graduating from college can be an exciting and stressful time. Suddenly you need to find a job, replay loans and make solid financial decisions. Fortunately, you don’t need to be unprepared. Below are some budgeting basics to keep your spending under control, some suggestions on how to set financial goals and a list of the top 10 American cities for starting out.

10. facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Google+: Who Uses Each & Should You?

More than 66% of adults are connected to one or more social media platforms, but who exactly are these people? This is a question every business must answer before embracing social media and our infographic below provides a look at the statistics behind some of the most popular social media platforms.

11. The Surprising Side Effects of Rising College Costs

The rising cost of college tuition translates into many students re-evaluating higher education, their future professional careers as well as other major life decisions. Find out more in our very enlightening infographic on The Surprising Side Effects of Rising College Costs.

12. Unemployed? Under-employed? Bored? Check Out These 10 High-growth Jobs

Though unemployment has been wide-reaching across industries…[some] jobs, against all odds, are on the rise – a steep rise…So if you’re sick of your job and craving a new profession, now might be the time to head back to school and get that secondary degree in one of these 10 specializations.

13. Are the Millennials the Best Generation Ever?

The Millennials are the latest -and some would say, greatest – generation to emerge in America. Currently defined as those between the ages of 18 and 29, Millennials have many recognizable characteristics that researchers have deemed typical of the generation: optimism, tech-savvy, liberal leanings, and a solid educational background. [In fact,] a whopping 50% of those in college (40% of Millennials] say they plan on entering graduate programs afterwards. It could be a sign of the tough financial times, or just evidence of the remarkable smarts and ambition that define this generation – or perhaps it’s a little of both. Are the Millennials the best generation ever? Let’s take a look.

14. Average American Workers Waste 26% of Every Workday! Here’s What They Do

American workers are wasting 26% of every 8 hour workday – that’s 2.09 hours – excluding lunch or scheduled break time! Who’s wasting the most time, and what are they doing? Find out in this extremely informative infographic.

15. The Millennial Cohort: A Look at Their Present Predicament, Their Future Economic Prospects

Though considered the most educated generation in history, the Millennial generation – young adults between the age of 18 and 29 who make up 25% of America’s population – is also living through one of the worst economic crises. From a weak job market to the global economic downturn, are the Millennials cut out for this market? [A look at the infographic below tells the story.] Words: 345

16. Comparing Housing Bubble to Rising Cost of Higher Education Suggests Another Bubble Waiting to Burst – Here’s Why

Getting into a good university is not an easy feat and securing a job upon graduation in the current economic climate is not easy either…The biggest challenge for most university graduates, however, is paying off their education loan [which is] hardly surprising [given that] the sum of student debt is higher than credit card debt across the United States. It may sound preposterous that some have called higher education the next big bubble so read the following infographic, which compares the higher education bubble to the housing bubble, and decide for yourself. Words: 410