Wednesday , 22 January 2025

Fact #6: America – A Super Rich Country With Supersized Hunger Pangs and Supersized Waste


Fact #6: Americans wasted enough food in 2010 to fill 91 Empire State Buildings (33.79 million tons) which was up 16% from a decade ago. The average American wastes 209 to 254 pounds of edible food each year. Meanwhile, more than 17 million American households were considered “food insecure” in 2010, meaning it was difficult to provide enough food for everyone in the family. 46 million Americans, about one in seven people, relied on food stamps.

This series is brought to you courtesy of Lorimer Wilson, editor of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and (Your Key to Making Money!). This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

This is the 6th in a series* of 100 facts about big issues facing Americanvoters which are being presented by every day until the election to help Americans debunk myths, hold better conversations, get involved, and make choices as smarter citizens.

Fact#6* Released: Aug. 4, 2012 Life in America 

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Previous Facts:

1. Fact #1: Revenue Does Not Cover Core US Programs

2. Fact #2: The U.S. Has the Highest Corporate Tax Rate in the World

3. Fact #3: Overspending on Education in U.S. Doesn’t Buy Genius

4. Fact #4 from Twice the Time Now Spent in Traffic Congestion vs. 2010

5. Fact #5: 44% of Jobless Are Unemployed Longer Than 6 Months!