Friday , 14 March 2025

Don’t Delay a Day Longer! NOW is the BEST Time To Purchase Gold (+2K Views)

So says Kevin McElroy ( which Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), has further edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and reformatted below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The author’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

McElroy goes on to say, in part:

You can see this seasonality for yourself in this chart:

GOLD Seasonal 40 Years

The above chart doesn’t include data from 2011, but you can see for yourself in this year-to-date chart that 2011 doesn’t differ all that much from the seasonal trends:

GOLD Spot Price

We have the characteristic spike in May, followed by a substantial correction in September-October and if this year is anything at all like the previous 40, we’ll see about 44% of the year’s gains in November and December. That’s huge.

The question is: why are November and December so good for gold?

It has a lot to do with Asian gold buying, specifically, the Indian wedding season, which lasts from the end of September through December. That sustained buying from one of the biggest and fastest growing economies for three months on end tends to have a crescendo effect on gold prices into the New Year. Despite what you might think, higher priced gold has NOT resulted in less consumption in India. In fact, it’s resulted in MORE consumption. Over the past 10 years, Indian gold consumption rose an average of 13% per year – even as gold rose faster in price. As such, this tendency for gold to rise in November and December isn’t just some bizarre cherry-picked technical chart: it’s a solid fundamental trend of supply and demand functions.

So now that we know we have 40 years of a fundamental trend on our side – what should we do? My suggestion would be to buy gold now.

…I feel extremely strongly about taking delivery of your gold and NOT buying the ETF…I own gold for the safety and reliability of having real money close at hand. Buying the ETF version of gold completely undermines those factors. Most gold ETFs won’t ever let you take delivery….[and] if you can’t touch it, you don’t own it.

Unless you’re a trader who’s looking for a 2-month play on gold, I would suggest taking delivery and keeping your gold close at hand. The world’s currency crises are nowhere close to being solved, and the world’s growth economies (like India) are consuming more gold all the time.

In conclusion: I hope you’ll buy gold now for the first time, or add to your position.


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17. Gold to Bounce Back to $2,250 – $3,000; Silver to $52 – $62; HUI to mid-900s by Year End

A tsunami doesn’t start with a bang, but with a whimper. The first sign is a little hump in the water way out in the distance that is barely notable. Anyone who catches a glimpse of it simply continues to expect the day to be the same as the last many days – calm and beautiful waters along the shore. This is the point where we are, today in the Precious Metals sector. Many have seen the little roll of water out in the distance as Gold edged up in the first move of a more parabolic slope, yet most investors are mired in the same expectations of yesterday – a return for Gold to correct down into a lower base. Our analysis based on the fractal relationship to 1979 shows, however, that the mid 900s are a realistic target for the HUI by the end of the year or early in 2012; that $52 to $56 should be achievable for silver, with $58 to $62 as real possibilities; and that Gold should go the $2250 level followed by $2500 with the potential for $3,000, or a bit higher, now on the radar screen. Let me explain why that is the case. Words: 2130

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