Friday , 26 July 2024


4 Strategies For Building A Million Dollar Retirement Portfolio

There’s no better time than now to start saving for the future. Retirement is becoming longer and more expensive with many costs likely to come out of your own pocket. Here are 4 investment strategies to get you on the right path and give yourself an edge toward meeting your retirement goals.

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Extreme Makeover of Markets Coming – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Extremes eventually reverse, and generally in rough symmetry with their explosive rise and we are reaching such extremes in valuation, complacency and margin debt. When the speculative frenzy dissipates, central banks will be the only buyers left and unless the Fed increases its balance sheet from $4.5 trillion to $14.5 trillion in a matter of months, even central bank manipulation will be swamped by sellers exiting bursting-bubble markets.

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The Stock Market Will NOT Rise Indefinitely So Here Are 10 Investment Rules To Live By

As the markets are propelled higher by the successive interventions of the Federal Reserve, it is hard not to think that the current rise will continue indefinitely, but the reality is that markets cycle from peaks to troughs as excesses built up during the up cycle are liquidated...This time...[will be no] different...[so what's an investor to do? Below] are 10 basic investment rules that have historically kept investors out of trouble over the long term [and hopefully will for you as well].

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Don’t Be Passive! Active Portfolio Management Has Major Benefits

We understand the appeal of passive investing. It offers lower fees and simplicity and many investors are skeptical about the ability of active managers to consistently beat a benchmark...yet there’s also a lot of evidence supporting the benefits of an active approach. Today, we see many risks that are hard to avoid by hugging a benchmark—and opportunities that simply cannot be captured by going passive. While not every point is relevant to every investor, in every market, we can think of ten good reasons to stay active in equities today.

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Be Smart: Consider These Economic Indicators When Investing

Before placing trades, it’s good practice to review market-moving indicators such as jobless claims, housing starts and sales, consumer confidence, and inflation as they can help you make smarter investments and grow your wealth. Here's a look at each of the above mentioned indicators that you may want to become familiar with.

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Make Better Investment Decisions By Applying This Checklist First

Have you ever made a spur of the moment trading decision without fully thinking things through and later come to regret it? Do you feel like your investment decision-making process could use some help? Here's an investing checklist you can use as a useful guide to develop a systematic, organized, and thorough approach to trading.

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