Friday , 26 July 2024


Biased Investors Are Losers! Does That Include You?

As history all too clearly shows, investors always do the “opposite” of what they should when it comes to investing their own money. They “buy high” as the emotion of “greed” overtakes logic and “sell low” as “fear” impairs the decision making process. Here are 5 biases that will keep you from achieving your long term investment goals.

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What’s the Biggest Risk For Investors Right Now?

Institutional investors are trying to micro-manage every minor blip in the markets instead of taking steps now to prepare for any downturn by asking themselves the following questions, determining the right answers and implementing them in preparation for such an eventuality.

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Go With the Flow: Buy & Sell Using a “Momentum” Approach – Here’s Why & How

Whether it is called "systematic trend-following", "momentum trading" or "turtle trading", it all comes down to entering trades on the basis of markets breaking out from previously established ranges and following some basic rules thereafter. It requires no special understanding of any given market - just a healthy respect for the price action - and can make you a lot of money in the process. Here are the details.

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6 Factors Influence Foreign Exchange Currency Rates – Here’s How

It was only a few decades ago that currencies around the world were back by gold which meant that whatever piece of money that people used in their day-to-day lives represented a real amount of gold held by that government. Today, the main influencing factors on exchange rates are as illustrated in the infographic below.

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