Predicting what the stock market will do in the next 12 months is tantamount to predicting coin flips. Here's more proof that past stock market performance tells you nothing about future results — literally nothing.
Read More »Apply These 6 Military Strategies To the Way You Invest & Win
I was re-reading Art of War recently, and I couldn’t help noticing how Sun Tzu’s approach to military strategy applies to investing. As he said 2,500 years ago, “he who knows them will be victorious; he who knows them not will fail.” Below are 6 quotes well worth applying as a result of the present financial chaos we find ourselves in.
Read More »Watch Out: The A/D Line Has Entered Critical Territory
The A/D-line has entered critical territory that deserves close examination and a close watch in the ensuing trading days. Here's what the A/D -line is showing for the S&P 500 today and suggesting is quite possible for the markets tomorrow.
Read More »Expect Interest Rates Of Only 1% to 4% For Next 20 Years – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
"Interest rates are not going to significantly rise in the near term to any meaningful degree. In fact, it is very likely that interest rates on Government issued Treasuries will remain range bound between 1% and 4% for the next 20 years." Here's why.
Read More »Biased Investors Are Losers! Does That Include You?
As history all too clearly shows, investors always do the “opposite” of what they should when it comes to investing their own money. They “buy high” as the emotion of “greed” overtakes logic and “sell low” as “fear” impairs the decision making process. Here are 5 biases that will keep you from achieving your long term investment goals.
Read More »What’s the Biggest Risk For Investors Right Now?
Institutional investors are trying to micro-manage every minor blip in the markets instead of taking steps now to prepare for any downturn by asking themselves the following questions, determining the right answers and implementing them in preparation for such an eventuality.
Read More »Early Retirement IS Possible – Here’s How
There’s no secret to early retirement. It is possible, but it takes sacrifice, hard work and the right mindset to pull it off. Here's some good advice on how to make such a dream a reality.
Read More »Apple’s SmartWatch: The Ultimate In Wearable Technology Success
The Apple Watch is the first smartwatch that matters according to Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, and, based on initial sales numbers, this appears to indeed be true as illustrated in the infographic below.
Read More »Go With the Flow: Buy & Sell Using a “Momentum” Approach – Here’s Why & How
Whether it is called "systematic trend-following", "momentum trading" or "turtle trading", it all comes down to entering trades on the basis of markets breaking out from previously established ranges and following some basic rules thereafter. It requires no special understanding of any given market - just a healthy respect for the price action - and can make you a lot of money in the process. Here are the details.
Read More »The 2nd Stage Of “The Money Illusion Ruse” Is Upon Us – Act Now to Protect Your Wealth (+2K Views)
Money illusion is a longstanding concept in economics that has enormous significance for you if you’re a saver, investor or entrepreneur. Money illusion is a ruse performed by central banks that can distort the economy and destroy your wealth. Let me explain.
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