Wednesday , 26 March 2025

Stock Indices

Follow Bob Farrell’s 10 Rules of Investing – or Suffer the Consequences (+5K Views)

Individuals are long-term investors only as long as the markets are rising. Despite endless warnings, repeated suggestions and outright recommendations - getting investors to sell, take profits and manage...[their] portfolio risks is nearly a lost cause as long as the markets are rising. Unfortunately, by the time the fear, desperation or panic stages are reached it is far too late to act and I will only be able to say that I warned you [- unless you take the time to read, and study the contents of this article]. Words: 1945; Charts: 10; Tables: 1

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Motivated Stock Pickers CAN Beat the Market! Here’s How (+4K Views)

What hope can there be for motivated stock pickers to outperform the low-cost index funds that simply mechanically track the market? Well - in spite of the absurd rise of the Nobel-acclaimed, and highly promoted, Efficient Market Hypothesis that claims that individual investors can't beat the market - it turns out there is plenty! [Let me explain.] Words: 1574

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Use These Technical Analyses For A Performance Advantage (+3K Views)

Research has found that investors using technical analysis had some performance advantage over those who didn’t use these methods. The research also found that the performance advantage was more evident during down markets. If that has piqued your interest, read on to learn more about a few of the more popular types of technical analysis.

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Should Technical Analysis Be Ignored? We Think So – Here’s Why (5K Views)

The Web is crawling with technical analysis (TA)...[and,] given its popularity, [begs the questions as to whether or not there] really is something to it. [Based on our research,] the short answer is no, not really, at least not in developed markets like the US or the UK... Furthermore, most of the popular TA indicators that are bandied around are nonsense jargon and should be ignored as useless noise. [Let us explain our position.] Words: 2143

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The “Golden Season” in the S&P 500 Begins Shortly!

Stocks typically rise going forward from this time of year and it is typically referred to as the year-end rally. in this time period. This article presents, and answers, a number of questions related to that effect, namely: a) How often does such a rally take place? b) How strong is such a rally? and, c) when is the best time for investors to enter the market?

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