A lot of people think cryptos are in a big bubble. They’re some of the most volatile asset markets have ever seen and, with so many different types of cryptos out there, it can be hard to know how much of your portfolio you should allocate to any one of them so today, I’m clearing up the confusion.
Read More »Use This Chart to Time Your Investment In Bitcoin (+2K Views)
We can expect bitcoin to begin to trade along other typical stock market patterns, like seasonality, next year, and this chart will be one I use to time any investments into it.
Read More »Apply the 80-20 Rule For the Highest Investment Returns – Here’s How (2K Views)
When it comes to investing, we all want to earn the highest return possible. There are many strategies out there to help with this endeavor but I’ve found the best route for the highest returns is to simply follow the 80-20 rule. The 80-20 rule has nothing to do with your overall allocation. It goes much deeper than that so let’s get started so you can start achieving the highest returns possible.
Read More »Here Are All The Ways You Can Buy, Trade, and Invest In Bitcoin (+2K Views)
...Trading bitcoin may still not be as simple as trading most stocks, but it has made huge strides toward becoming a mainstream investment in 2017. Here’s a look at all the ways traders can play bitcoin and what may be coming next.
Read More »Bitcoin: Answers To 7 Questions You Were Too Embarrassed To Ask (+3K Views)
While almost everyone has heard of Bitcoin at this point, many people are fuzzy on the details: what is a bitcoin, exactly? How do I buy some? What would I use it for? Here are the answers to those and a few other questions you were afraid to ask.
Read More »4 Suggestions For Overcoming Your Nervousness About Investing In the Stock Market (+2K Views)
If you're nervous about investing in the stock market, you're not alone. Stock ownership in the U.S. is down, and a recent poll indicates that frightening memories of the last bear market may be to blame. If that sounds like you, here are 4 suggestions for overcoming your concerns.
Read More »Investors Need To Have Their Eyes Wide Open – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The next five years will be challenging, and investors need to have their eyes wide open. Here's why and how to invest accordingly.
Read More »Retiring Baby Boomers To Exert Enormous Pressure On Future Interest Rates, Bond Prices & Equity Market Valuations – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
As Baby Boomers exit the workforce and increasingly move into retirement, this monumental demographic shift will exert enormous pressure on interest rates, bond prices, and equity market valuations. It’s going to be a huge wakeup call.
Read More »Now’s the Time To Diversify Into Physical Gold – Here’s Why & How (+3K Views)
the time is now to diversify into gold. All markets cycle, and a down-cycle for stocks and an upcycle for precious metals is on the doorstep. Take some of your profits and buy some undervalued gold.
Read More »These 5 Moves Prove You’re Finally Investing Like A Grown-up & Not Like A Kid
How do you know when you're investing like a grown-up and not like a kid? This article presents the 5 investment moves that prove you're finally a grown-up.
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