Friday , 26 July 2024


How to Prepare For the Inevitable Market Crash

How would you respond to a market crash? A good way to tell if you can live with a portfolio is to look at the worst year over the past 40 years and imagine it happening to you this year. Would you really stay with an all-stock portfolio after losing 36% in a single year?

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Volatility: What Is It & What Is Its Impact On Investments?

Almost all assets see fluctuations in value over time but, while price swings are a common phenomenon in most asset classes that exist, they are the most famous in the stock market. Today’s infographic comes to us from Fisher Investments, and it serves as an introduction to the concept of volatility, along with offering a perspective on volatility’s impact on investments.

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So You Think You’re Financially Literate? Really? Only 48.8% of Investors Answered This 4-Question Quiz Correctly!

What do people actually know about money, investing, and wealth? Well, a recent poll by Lexington Law asked 4,000 Americans four different multiple choice questions with a focus on basic investment knowledge on stocks, bonds, and building a safe portfolio to get a sense of U.S. financial literacy and found that the average score on the test was only 48.8%.

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5 Risks Of the Stock Market

There are many risks within the market that leads an investor to making or losing money but being proactive and reducing all of the risks you can will lead to less volatility and more growth over the long term. Let’s look at 5 risks of the stock market.

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