Thursday , 27 March 2025

Other Commodities

Here's a Bullish Trend You Don't Want to Miss

What does a shrinking supply and skyrocketing demand equal? It equals happy investors if you can get in before the public participation phase. Right now, savvy investors are in the accumulation phase of the next massive resource trend, graphite. [Below are the keys to capitalizing on a graphite investment.] Words: 430

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Graphite: The Driving Force Behind Green Technology

Global consumption of natural graphite has doubled in the last 10 years and will increase even more so in the next decade due to a) the continuing modernization of China, India and other emerging economies given the strong demand from traditional end uses such as the steel and automotive industries and b) the advent of new applications for graphite such as lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, and nuclear and solar power. As a result of such increased demand prices for large flake, high purity graphite (+80 mesh, 94-97%C) have more than doubled making the mining of such a minerals increasingly profitable. Learn even more by viewing the infographic below.

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It's Time to Replace the Refrain "Got Gold?" With "How Much Graphite Stock Do You Own?"

Demand for lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries over the next 8 years - for use in electric and hybrid cars, smart power grids and mobile consumer devices - is going parabolic. Sales of electic/hybrid cars, for example, will be increasing 5-fold to 4,000,000 over that timeframe and every such car will have 30-110kg of graphite in their batteries, depending on the car, that can not be replaced economically. Forget the common refrain "Got gold?" A more appropriate refrain should be "How much graphite stock do you own?" Learn more about graphite in the infographic below.

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Brent vs. West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil: What’s the Diff? (+2K Views)

We use crude oil for everything from running our cars to making plastic. The need for oil causes conflicts and gives power to those countries that have an abundance of it. Taking all this into account, not too many of us actually know how it’s priced. A lot of us hear how much it costs per barrel or get mad when prices go up at the pump but what’s the method behind the madness? Hopefully, I can shed a little light on the process. Words: 790

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China & India to Drive Diamond Demand this Decade to New Heights – Here's Why

China and India are about to drive diamond demand through newly affluent population. In the world diamond retail market, Asia in 2005 made up 23% of purchases. In 2020, they will make up 57%! Such growth in diamond demand should make for a sparkling future for those who invest prudently. In the infographic and copy below you will learn all about diamonds.

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Canadian Oil Sands: World’s Single Largest Petroleum Resource and… (+2K Views)

The Canadian oil sands are the world’s single largest petroleum resource at 1.7 trillion barrels. With conventional oil supply decreasing, heavy oil projects such as the oil sands become more attractive economically to meet the needs of growing demand. While environmental concerns about the oil sands remain, the options for plentiful, cost efficient, and clean oil sources are limited.

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