Wednesday , 23 October 2024

Here's a Bullish Trend You Don't Want to Miss

What does a shrinking supply and skyrocketing demand equal? It equals happy investors if you can get in before the public participation phase. Right now, savvy investors are in the accumulation phase of the next massive resource trend, graphite. [Below are the keys to capitalizing on a graphite investment.] Words: 430

So say edited comments from an article posted at

Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), may have edited the article below for length and clarity – see Editor’s Note at the bottom of the page for details. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

The article goes on to say, in part:

China controls much of the world’s graphite mines (about 75%), but a few solid companies outside of China will be well positioned to capitalize on this trend. Some analyst say investing in graphite will be a fad, some call it a fundamental change in the resource industry, whatever you call it, there is no reason you can’t profit.

The key to capitalizing on a graphite investment now is to identify the explorers and miners who are established now.

How is China positioning themselves to capitalize on the worlds upcoming need for graphite? Well, they are implementing a VAT and export duty on graphite and already importing flake graphite from North Korea. This could indicate that China is already experiencing a strain on its on graphite supply, despite being in control of three quarters of the world’s graphite. Even though China controls so much of the world’s natural graphite, much of that graphite is low grade (meaning no visible crystallinity).

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So, how do you capitalize on the upcoming bullish graphite trend? I have narrowed down my research to several major criteria:

1) The country must be mining friendly

2) The projects must be close to infrastructure

3) The projects must have advanced deposit mines

4) The company must have experienced management

Given the above criteria, I found Canada, specifically the provinces of Ontario and Quebec, to be the best places to capitalize on the graphite trend. Now that the location is pinpointed, I looked at which companies have advanced deposit mines with experience management and found…[two such companies that] fit that criteria:

  1. Focus Graphite which has an extremely rich graphite deposit located at the Lac Knife deposit in Quebec and
  2. Northern Graphite. The quality of graphite in their deposit is low-grade (2% graphite), but the deposit is open pit and with their experienced management they may be well capitalized to be a major player in the area.

If you’re still in doubt about investing in graphite, just remember, a mine is a terrible thing to waste.

* Want to read more exclusive graphite investing articles like this? Go to

1) The writers for and/or their family own shares of the following companies mentioned in this interview: None.

Editor’s Note: The above article may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…), and reformatted (including the title, some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article.

Editor’s Note: Having read to the bottom of the page you must be truly interested in graphite. That being the case here, here, here and here are other MUST read articles on the subject along with a number of related articles as outlined below.

Related Articles:

1. Graphite: The Driving Force Behind Green Technology


Global consumption of natural graphite has doubled in the last 10 years and will increase even more so in the next decade due to a) the continuing modernization of China, India and other emerging economies given the strong demand from traditional end uses such as the steel and automotive industries and b) the advent of new applications for graphite such as lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, and nuclear and solar power. As a result of such increased demand prices for large flake, high purity graphite (+80 mesh, 94-97%C) have more than doubled making the mining of such a minerals increasingly profitable. Learn even more by viewing the infographic below.

2. It’s Time to Replace the Refrain “Got Gold?” With “How Much Graphite Stock Do You Own?”


Demand for lithium-ion (li-ion) batteries over the next 8 years – for use in electric and hybrid cars, smart power grids and mobile consumer devices – is going parabolic. Sales of electic/hybrid cars, for example, will be increasing 5-fold to 4,000,000 over that timeframe and every such car will have 30-110kg of graphite in their batteries, depending on the car, that can not be replaced economically. Forget the common refrain “Got gold?” A more appropriate refrain should be “How much graphite stock do you own?” Learn more about graphite in the infographic below.

3. Graphite: The Newest HOT Resource Investment! Here’s Why


The word ‘fad’ doesn’t exist in the minds of true miners and prospectors. However, fads are something that people like you and I can make a lot of money investing in if we are ahead of the curve and right now I believe the graphite sector is in the early stages of the ‘fad’ and will provide a ton of profitable opportunities. [Let’s take a look at just why, where and when you should get positioned in this fast developing sector.] Words: 1535

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5. This Interactive Table of Commodity Returns Is Easy to Use – Try It


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7. Mining of Heavy Rare Earth Elements (HREE) in Canada by 2017 Offer Major Investment Opportunity


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