Tuesday , 18 March 2025


Gold’s 2014 Playbook: $1,050 This Summer; $1,800 – $2,000 By Year End! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

While I know this is tough to hear, as most of you are gold bugs, I am confident that the banking cartel has a purpose, and that purpose is to set up what will probably be one of the most lucrative long side trades in the metals of this entire secular bull market. Our job right now is to be patient and wait for that yearly cycle low later this summer. I think that low is going to drop at least down to retest $1200, and if the cartel has its way, they will push gold back to $1050 before this is over.

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Physical Gold vs. Black Gold: A Comparison (+2K Views)

Since gold is physical liquid money and oil is an essential commodity for the economy, it is normal that they correlate negatively in real prices. When the economy goes well, demand for oil increases, whereas demand for gold diminishes. However, if inflation hits, the nominal prices of both assets increases at the same time with inflation

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“Golden Cross” Suggests MUCH HIGHER Prices Coming for Gold, Silver & PM Equities (+2K Views)

History is testament that there exists monumental probability (76% to 100%) that 2014-2016 will witness impressive gains for Gold, Silver and Precious Metal Equities…across the board. Below are charts of 8 different forms of precious metals assets that show that Golden Crosses are a fait accompli or are about to experience imminent completion thus heralding an immediate new Bull Market and that the forth-coming secular bull markets in all forms of precious metals may well far surpass the forecasts herein stated. The focus of the following analysis is to prove the predictable accuracy and timing of the The Golden Cross.

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The Dow & FTSE Priced in Ounces of Gold (+3K Views)

Once the temporary effects of past & current manipulation of the price of gold subsides we will have a continuation of the bear market in the Dow Jones and a continuation of the bull market in gold. If the secular cycle repeats, we can conclude that the Dow Jones will be priced at an ounce of gold or even less.

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Noonan on Gold & Silver: “A RED Flag Is In Effect” – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

People are focusing on the price of PMs, treating gold and silver as vehicles for increasing in price relative to their cost of purchase and not on the reality of what the artificially suppressed market is showing. It is the reason for buying and holding gold and silver that matters. Know this: It does not matter what you pay/paid for owning physical gold and silver. Price is temporary; physical is permanent. That being said, however, a red flag is in currently in effect regarding gold & silver. Below I explain why.

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Get Ready to “Put the Pedal to the Metal” (Gold & Silver)! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Over the next couple of months everything should generally rise together but once the dollar puts in an intermediate bottom sometime in March or April, commodities and gold will move down into an intermediate correction as the stock market completes its final blow off top. After the stock market parabola collapses later this summer it will be time to put the pedal to the metal in the commodity markets, and especially the precious metal markets as the Great Inflation begins in earnest.

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