Sunday , 16 March 2025


Jump Aboard the Gold & Silver Train – NOW! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The smart money has been moving into precious metals during dips in recent months as many view the sector as one of the last places to find real value given that stocks, bonds, real estate, and nearly every other asset class, has been inflated to lofty levels by the FED's easy money policies since 2009. I believe we are witnessing one of the last great buying opportunities in precious metals. When prices start moving higher again, there will be little time to jump aboard the train. The downside risk at this juncture pales in comparison to the upside potential.

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Noonan: “Panic Selling In Gold & Silver A Positive Development” – Here’s Why” (+2K Views)

What has been missing during this 3+ year decline in PMs has been what we have pointed to on several occasions, a form of ending action that sends a message that a change in trend is in progress. Last Thursday and Friday’s sharply higher volume and wide ranges lower is the kind of activity that leads to the end of a trend. There is not enough to say it has happened, to be sure, but the end game is starting to step up and be closer to a resolve of ending of the down trend. [Let me explain further.]

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China Is the Reason For the Weakness in the Price of Gold – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The downside risks to owning gold are much greater than the upside risks. Without the onslaught of newly rich Asian buyers its price is coming back down to more closely track those of other commodity prices and, while I worry that central banks may inadvertently spark a round of higher inflation in the years to come, if I had to reconcile those two views, I would say that today's elevated real price of gold has effectively priced in a lot of higher inflation in the future. This article presents 6 charts which clearly illustrate just what is currently going on.

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The Gold Market: What Can We Expect In the Months Ahead? (+2K Views)

We are at an interesting and perhaps critical juncture with respect to the direction of the gold price as it approaches a key support level. There are many mixed signals out there and the market seems to be vacillating, frustrating both bulls and the bears. Let us look at both cases in order to try to understand what the gold market may have in store for us during the coming weeks and months.

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