Friday , 26 July 2024

Retirement Planning

Mexico Is One of the 10 Best Countries to Retire In – Here Are the Other 9 and the Reasons Why (+4K Views)

Rising costs in the U.S. are driving more people to consider retirement in less expensive locales and the list of potential resting spots is long and varied. International Living compiles annual lists on the best places to retire based on things like cost of living, ease of entry, healthcare, insurance and access to amenities. [Below are their top 10.] Words: 950

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Consider Moving Abroad to Reduce Living Costs – Here’s Where (+5K Views)

Moving abroad may seem far-fetched, but it’s worthwhile to at least consider it as an option in your financial journey. A foreign country with a low cost of living could save you money while also providing fascinating cultural experiences and adventures...Let’s take a look at some of the differences in income and spending around the world.

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Home "Owners": Here Are 10 Advantages to Paying Off Your Mortgage Early (+5K Views)

Paying off the mortgage early is an idea with obvious appeal, but not one that many middle-class home "owners" pursue. If your interest rate is so good that the bank just made a bad bet in giving you that low rate, you might want to continue enjoying the benefits as long as possible. In many other circumstances, however, paying off the mortgage can be a fine money management move indeed. [Below are 10 sound reasons to do so.] Words: 1588

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Make a Rich Retirement Your Reality – Here’s How (+3K Views)

Rich means you live comfortably according to your personal standards. If you’ve lived a middle-class lifestyle, a rich retirement means you can maintain that same lifestyle without worry and without having to work if you don’t want to. Below is some straight talk on how to make a rich retirement your reality.

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Countries With No U.S. Extradition Treaty & Other Ways To Escape the Grasp of Gov’t (+4K Views)

Suppose you were NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden, or fictional international spy Jason Bourne, and the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet were hunting you. Where would you go? A crucial factor in deciding where to go is whether or not the country has an extradition treaty with the U.S. This article presents a list of all such countries and less extreme ways to protect yourself from the untoward actions of your government. Words: 519

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How to Save Money During Retirement (+3K Views)

Retirement years can be plagued by financial uncertainty what with not having a steady paycheck coming in. Fortunately, common sense money saving opportunities as presented in this article furnish relief for seniors.

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Almost Anyone Can Afford to Retire in Mexico – Here’s Why (+3K Views)

Only 4% of Americans who start working at age 25 are expected to have saved enough for retirement at age 65 yet, while this number may seem surprisingly low, retiring doesn't have to be as expensive as you may think. One easy way to do this: retire abroad. For many Americans, Mexico is a top choice. It's not only geographically close, it's also very affordable...

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