Friday , 26 July 2024

Retirement Planning

3 Ways To Manage Your Eventual Retirement

...The Employee Benefit Research Institute surveys workers each year concerning their retirement confidence. Despite an uptrend, the latest report shows that 82% of workers feel less than “very confident” about having enough money to retire comfortably. With that statistic in mind, this article looks at three different 40-year retirement scenarios.

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Your IRA Is At Risk – Here’s Why & What To Do About It

The myRA program, which ostensibly helps people save for retirement (though it offers no benefits over existing options). is the opening shot in the undeclared war on your retirement savings and an eyebrow-raising ruling in the US Tax Court is the second shot. Let me explain.

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Looking At Retirement & Planning To “Wing It”? Here’s A Better Way

In reality most Americans are winging it when it comes to their retirement plans. The plan for most will be the default with Social Security which was never intended to be the primary source of incomes for millions of Americans. The new retirement is no retirement and working well into old age. If that's you here is how to avoid such a future.

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