Sunday , 16 March 2025

Retirement Planning

Constant-dollar Spending Strategies For Retirement: I’m Not a Fan – Here’s Why

The Sustainable Withdrawal Rate (SWR) strategy is based on the work of William Bengen whose research revealed that the order of market losses is more important than the average return sequence of returns risk. With all due respect to Bengen, though, I consider this strategy irrational and believe that it probably makes sense only for households with so much savings that they don’t need it. This article substantiates my conclusion.

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5 Mistakes Investors Make By Going Solo On Their Retirement (+2K Views)

Many Americans have taken it upon themselves to do the vast majority of retirement planning without the help of a financial advisor. While that is perfectly fine and legal, it is not entirely wise considering the long-term margin for error. Plenty of things can go wrong, and they do, often leaving investors lost and confused about what they can do to better their circumstances. There are 5 major errors committed by solo investors that can greatly impact their ability to maintain wealth throughout their retirement. Here they are!

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5 Kinds of Insurance Every Retiree Should Consider

Your insurance needs don't remain constant throughout your life. You need different insurance coverage when you're single and in your 20s than you do when you're raising a family in your 40s. When you retire, your insurance needs will evolve once again...Here is a primer on the kinds of insurance that every retiree should consider.

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4 Red Flags That Your Retirement Plan May Be Off Track (+2K Views)

How prepared are you for retirement? Take a look at the following potential unpreparedness indicators. After reviewing them, if you don't see any concerns, you may, indeed, be headed down the right path toward retirement. However, if you do, it'll be far better to address them now while you're still gainfully employed.

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You Might Be Saving TOO MUCH for Retirement – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

How much money do you really need to retire on? We’re bombarded with messages about retirement savings – that...[we] haven’t saved enough; that company pension plans are underfunded; that the Canada Pension Plan [or U.S. Social Security] won’t be able to handle the influx of boomers who are set to retire over the next 10 to 15 years. If that’s you, then you might be panicking right now. Stop! According to a new book retirees may not need as much as they’ve been led to believe.

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Don’t Put Your Retirement At Risk! Avoid These 5 Less-than-ideal Money Moves (+2K Views)

If you're stressing out about whether or not you're saving enough for retirement, you're not alone. Millennials are among those struggling the most with this dilemma. According to a 2016 study, 64% of working millennials believe they'll never save a $1 million nest egg. Why are millennials so worried? Sadly, this age group is prone to making less-than-ideal money moves that could hurt them later in life. Let's review the five biggest ways in which millennials are risking their retirement.

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