Wednesday , 24 April 2024


The Republican/Austrian & Democrat/Keynesian Divide

It is understandable why there is such a major divide between Republicans and Democrats in America when one examines their diametrically opposed, and seemingly irreconcilable, Keynesian and Austrian economic views. This article explains the different approaches to fiscal policy for each party and why he thinks one approach is better than the other based on research on the subject.

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LOOK! Financial System Collapsing Right Before Our Eyes

The most common question I hear is "when". When does the system collapse? When will we experience a re-set? I think this is a very odd question because if you stand back far enough you should be able to see that you are, in actuality, watching it! We are all so close and watching day by day movements, we are missing the big picture. The collapse is happening right before your eyes. "When" is a process and you are watching history!

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Where Should You Put Your Money? Why? (+2K Views)

The question comes up again and again and again; where do you put your money? Well, there is a way to invest that makes sense, that's easy to implement, and that has a high chance of succeeding in meeting your long-term goals at the end of the road. Let me explain.

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U.S. Gov’t Debt Now $19 Trillion & Counting! Here’s Why You Should Care

The United States government has now officially accumulated $19 trillion in debt but most of the mainstream new sources that have printed this news still aren't sounding the alarm. After all, what's another $1 trillion in debt when the government can just keep printing? The problem is, however, that the government owes most of this debt to you and, once the government is eventually pushed to default, you're going to be the one on the hook for it.

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New & Used Vehicle Bubbles Developing

Seventeen million new vehicles were sold in 2015, the highest it’s ever been in United States history but, while the media claims that this record has been reached because of drastic improvements to the U.S. economy, they are once again failing to account for the central factor: credit expansion.

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Inside Scoop: World Economic Forum To Replace Word “debt” With “agfok” (+2K Views)

This year's World economic Forum proposes adding a new word to the English language motivated by a recognition that the word ‘debt’, as defined by Merriam Webster, implies something that is owed and will be paid back and that his definition is becoming a very Inconvenient Truth for the world’s bankers and politicians. It has been proposed that the word “debt” be replaced with the word “agfok”, an acronym for “A Gift For Our Kids”.

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QE4 Would Be Unconscionable. It Must Not Happen. Here’s Why

The financial industry & financial news networks have been discussing whether or not the government should be getting involved with more quantitative easing (QE4) in order to slow down or try to prevent the fall in the markets. This idea is unconscionable to us and it absolutely cannot happen. Here's why.

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