Wednesday , 17 April 2024


Doing Next To Nothing In Your Portfolio Is A Winning Approach – Here’s Why

As of the end of 2015, there were over 15,600 mutual funds, 11,000 hedge funds and 2,100 ETFs...[which] account for almost 50% more...than there are individual stocks and bonds. The paradox of choice makes it extremely difficult for investors to wade through this sea of complexity, but it also increases the temptation to make changes to a portfolio. People have a hard time sitting still in the face of this sheer number of choices, even when there are proven benefits from inaction with your investments. [Let me explain.]

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Types of Interest – How Their Rates Are Set – Why They’re Creating the Ultimate Bubble (+2K Views)

The basic definition of an interest rate is simply the cost of borrowing money. It’s the cost associated with acquiring credit, whether buying a car, getting a mortgage, or taking a vacation. We encounter interest rates every time we make a monthly credit card or student loan payment. Interest and interest rates are a major part of daily life, yet many people don’t have a good understanding of the most critical types of interest or how their rates are set. Broadening our understanding even a little can help empower us to make more informed decisions, whether at the bank or at the ballot box.

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Most Americans Are Skeptical of the Fed’s Happy Talk – Here’s Why

The more I think about where the “monetary policy community” of academic elites has brought us, the angrier I get. It has been a long time since I have been this passionately upset about something - and not merely because the policies are stupid - but what the Fed has done is to destroy the retirement hopes and dreams of multiple tens of millions of my fellow U.S. boomers (and when we include the effects of the destructive policies of the rest of the world’s central banks, the number becomes hundreds of millions). This article looks at the FOMC’s decision-making process for monetary policy and surveys the unpalatable future that our leaders are cooking up for us.

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The Right Perspective (the Brutal Truth) About Retirement

Retirement should be thought of as the start of something not the end of something. As such there is a lot of work to do as far as how to spend your time, assess your finances (even if you have an advisor), become your own health and fitness advocate (and there's probably more) and all of them are multi-faceted in their scope. Once you get to retirement it is an opportunity for many things if you have the right perspective. This article addresses 8 brutal truths about retirement and how to make the most of each.

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Financial Advice vs. Investment Management – The Differences Are Dramatic

A large majority of what the financial industry calls financial advice is really just glorified product sales. What most people actually need is advice about how their investments fit into their overall financial plan, and more importantly their life. Investment management & financial advice are both necessary components for long-term success, but it’s important to understand the differences. This article points out those differences.

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