Friday , 14 March 2025

Debt & Deficits

The Next Crisis Will Be The Last – Here’s Why

The idea of "maintaining a certain standard of living" has become a foundation in our society today. Americans, in general, have come to believe they are "entitled" to a certain type of house, car, and general lifestyle which includes NOT just the basic necessities of living such as food, running water, and electricity, but also the latest mobile phone, computer, and high-speed internet connection. (Really, what would be the point of living if you didn't have access to Facebook every two minutes?) Like most economic data, you have to dig behind the numbers to reveal the true story so let's do that, shall we?

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World Debt: Here’s A Simple Straightforward Look At Everything You Need To Know

It’s impossible to look at global debt stats & facts, or a single country’s national debt, in complete isolation. There are many factors to examine to best understand the impact of global debt on the economy and this infographic provides a clear-cut analysis of important global data, and it shows you the specifics of how much different countries of the world owe compared to their GDP. It’s simple, it’s straightforward, and it gives you everything you need to know.

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Debt Default or Hyperinflation? Which Will It Be? (+6K Views)

The Fed, together with other central banks from around the world, have created the perfect crescendo of worldwide credit bubbles and asset bubbles leading to the excesses and decadence which are the normal finale to a secular trend. They have totally destroyed all major world currencies and left the world with debts that cannot and will not be repaid with normal money. As such, there are only two alternative outcomes, debt default or hyperinflation. Both will have disastrous consequences for the world economy.

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