Sunday , 16 March 2025

Campbell: Balanced Opinions Regarding Gold & Silver are Paramount – Here’s Why

If you hold, or are considering holding, physical gold or silver or both, [it is imperative that you] read as many ‘balanced opinions’ as you possibly can with respect to ownership of each. [Here’s why]. Words: 337

This article byIan R. Campbell has been edited below for length and clarity. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Campbell goes on to say:

Note I specifically have said ‘balanced opinions‘ [and, therefore, you should beware of]:

  • ‘vested interest’ commentators who have made direct or intellectual bets on physical gold and silver going up in price typically spend a great deal of time advocating physical gold and/or silver ownership. Often these commentators repetitively and aggressively advance their continued positive views on the prospective price of, and the advantages they perceive attach to, precious metals ownership.
  • commentators who say “the price of gold is going up to U.S.$XX (which numbers currently tend to range from U.S.$1,800 – U.S.$5,000+ per ounce [Read: Update: 51 Analysts Now Maintain that Gold is Going to $5,500 – $6,500/ozt. in 2015!]), without clearly stating their underlying macro-economic and financial market assumptions. Where specific underlying assumptions are not provided, readers and listeners are being asked to place trust in opinions based on the claimed or perceived expertise of the commentator.

Look for the articles and other media pieces where the ‘expert’ clearly states his/her underlying assumptions in a way that:

  • you can understand them;
  • you are able to decide whether those assumptions make sense to you; and,
  • you are able to conclude whether you should and can place weight or reliance on the expert’s opinion.


If there ever were areas where ‘thinking for yourself and reaching your own conclusions’ were important…[the merits of] ownership and the likely prospective price trend and/or future price of physical gold and silver count among those.

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Related Articles:

Keeping the foregoing top of mind, you might want to read three of what seem to be an ever increasing number of articles on gold and silver… [The following articles were selected by the Editor]:

1. Relax! Gold Correction Only a Lull Before Surge to $3,000 – $5,000! Here’s Why


Our forecast of much higher gold prices depends not one iota on the day-to-day ups and downs, no matter how extreme, in the yellow metal’s price. Instead, the average long-term price is entirely a function of world economic and political developments, which affect the intensity of investor interest (what we might call long-term hoarding demand) and on gold’s own supply/demand fundamentals. [Let me explain further.] Words: 500

2. Physical Gold and Gold Stocks Should be in Your Portfolio – Here’s Why


Do you own enough gold and silver for what lies ahead? If 10% of your total investable assets (i.e., excluding equity in your primary residence) aren’t held in various forms of gold and silver, we…think your portfolio is at risk. Here’s why. Words: 625

3. Don’t Laugh – Invest At Least 65% of Your Portfolio In Precious Metals!


There is such a “fear of gold” amongst most people that it must be due to statist indoctrination and propaganda because it makes no rational sense to have such a fear of such a time tested and true store of wealth. After all, we are talking about time tested and true money – the only money that has lasted for thousands of years and is still fully accepted worldwide as a store of wealth….What would you rather hold “for eternity” gold [or] US dollars [which are nothing more than] a paper debt obligation of a bankrupt nation state? Words: 450

4. I’m Bullish On Gold for 3 Good Reasons – Here They Are


In my opinion, there are three scenarios that could occur in the coming years when analyzing the global economy – and all three have the potential to offer bullish environments for the price of gold. [Let me explain the first and most likely reason.] Words: 660 [Campbell’s comments: If interested, visit The Home Page displays a video that has snippets of interviews of Mr. McCall that you might find interesting. You might also find watching the video one basis to determine the weight you ascribe to his views.]

5. David Nichols: Expect to See $2,750 – $3,000 Gold By June 2013 – Here’s Why


The interim peaks in gold have been spaced 21 months apart over the past 6 years and have seen gains from 80.2% to 97.3%. As such, given the fact that the low of this last correction came in at $1,524 four months ago, we can expect gold to reach a new peak price of $2,750 to $3,000 in 17 months time (i.e. June/July 2013). [Let me explain in more detail.] Words: 976

6. Silver Will Go to $50 and Then Explode Dramatically Higher! Here’s Why

Silver Bars

There is a massive amount of energy underlying the silver market, and when it is ready to unleash, we will see price/value increases that will stun even the most ardent silverbugs…The real power of this expected move is likely to be released only some time after the price of silver has surpassed the $50/ozt. level. [Let me explain.] Words: 685

7. Egon von Greyerz: Gold & Silver to Accelerate Higher


With gold closing above the critical $1,650 level and silver above $30, my view is that we have bottomed and we are on the way to much higher levels. We are seeing a bit of sideways action here, but it’s sideways to upward and I think that will continue. I like the pace, the fact that it’s not going up too fast, but I think we will see an acceleration to the upside in short order. Words: 924

8. Goldrunner Called $1,920 Gold High Exactly; Now Expects $3,000 – $3,500 by Mid-Year


Short-term volatile moves in Gold, as we have seen over the past few months, do not affect our projections for the future price of Gold based on our fractal (pattern) “model” off the late 70′s Gold Bull. Just as we correctly projected the $1,920 high in our April article entitled Goldrunner: Gold on track to Reach $1860 to $,920 by Mid-year (gold reached $1,917.20 in late August and $1,923.70 in early September, 2011), our current analysis indicates that Gold will enter a range between $3,000 and $3,500 by mid-year 2012. Words: 975

9. Nick Barisheff: $10,000 Gold is Coming! Here’s Why


This is not a typical bull market. Gold is not rising in value, but instead, currencies are losing purchasing power against gold and, therefore, gold can rise as high as currencies can fall. Since currencies are falling because of increasing debt, gold can rise as high as government debt can grow. Based on official estimates, America’s debt is projected to reach $23 trillion in 2015 and, if its correlation with the price of gold remains the same, the indicated gold price would be $2,600 per ounce. However, if history is any example, it’s a safe bet that government expenditure estimates will be greatly exceeded, and [this] rising debt will cause the price of gold to rise to $10,000…over the next five years. (Let me explain further.] Words: 1767.

10. These 8 Analysts See Gold Going to $3,000 – $10,000 in 2012! Here’s Why


Back in 2009 I began keeping track of those financial analysts, economists, academics and commentators who were of the opinion that it was just a matter of time before gold reached a parabolic peak price well in excess of the prevailing price. As time passed the list grew dramatically and at last count numbered 140 such individuals who have gone on record as saying that gold will go to at least $3,000 – and as high as $20,000 – before the gold bubble finally pops. Of more immediate interest, however, is that 8 of those individuals believe gold will reach its parabolic peak price in the next 12 months – even as early as February, 2012. This article identifies those 8 and outlines their rationale for reaching their individual price expectations. Words:1450