Saturday , 18 January 2025

#$$4$ Symbol Decoded

You will notice that one or more of the symbols #$$4$, #$, #$$, #$$$ and #$$$$ are appearing in all the recent articles posted on as hyperlinks. They are not being clicked on that often, however, so below is what would have been accessed had that been done.

Dear reader,

For the past 12 years I have been publishing  “a unique (here’s why) financial site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds” called at no cost to the millions (yes, millions!) of readers who have read some of the 6,500 posted over those years.

Unfortunately, I am finally running out of energy and need some sign of appreciation of my efforts from my thousands of weekly readers and, to remedy that, I am asking for donations (i.e. site sponsorships) as encouragement for me to continue.

If you are willing to help me out just click on the DONATE button below, enter your donation amount, click the box if you wish to make the amount a monthly donation, and then click on your choice of payment method. It is that “fast and easy”.

As a thank you for becoming a sponsor of the site I will send you a link to an, as yet, unpublished 258-page gem of a book on wealth creation entitled WEALTH IF YOU WANT IT (introduction here) and make mention of your sponsorship in future articles with a discreet public “hat tip”.

I hope this request for money hasn’t offended you and, should you choose not to donate, that you will still continue to “Follow the munKNEE! – Your KEY To Making Money!”

Sincerely yours,
  • Founder and Managing Editor of
  • Publisher of the twice-weekly Market Intelligence Report
  • Major contributor of original articles to (see here) and other major financial web sites