Sunday , 9 March 2025

Gold: What Caused the Latest Bloodbath & Why

I’m going to go way out on a limb here. Right now gold has no friends. Even some ofgold-bar5 its biggest proponents are declaring the bull market to be over…Let’s kick around a ‘short list’ of potential reasons for what caused the latest bloodbath… Words: 1170

So writes Andy Sutton ( in edited excerpts from his original article* entitled When Gold Has No Friends‏.

This post is presented compliments of Lorimer Wilson, editor of (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds), (Your Key to Making Money!) and the Intelligence Report newsletter (It’s free – sign up here). You can also “Follow the munKNEE” daily posts on Twitter or Facebook.
The article may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and/or reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read.
Please note that these paragraphs must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

1) Force Cyprus and the rest of the ailing EU fiscal influenza-ridden nations to liquidate all their gold. The mechanism here is obvious. Demand the sale of gold to meet bail-in requirements, then drive the price down, which forces these countries to sell even more – if not all – of their gold. This has the fingerprints of Mario Draghi and his henchmen written all over it. The Eurozone benevolent society is committing the ultimate fraud. Separate the now slave nations from any means of an independent monetary base, then put the people of those nations into debt slavery. Tell me I’m nuts – please – but this makes perfect sense and jives with everything else that has gone on to date.

2) Force physical sales to meet orders. I am not a gold market analyst per se, but I do pay a good deal of attention to those who are and the word last Friday was that there was literally no physical gold for sale – it was nearly all paper. For a long time now there has been talk of growing reductions in physical inventory and the notion that much of the gold in the warehouses is already spoken for – perhaps several times over. Would another Ponzi scheme really surprise anyone here? If there is little ‘clear title’ gold to deliver, then there has to be a means for shaking the tree branches, and what’s better than a paper-driven rout to blow the weak hands out of their positions?

3) Maintain confidence in the USDollar. This is where the talk becomes inflationary. Obviously, the U.S. dollar is being printed into oblivion while at the same time there are efforts of a Herculean scale being made to keep that printing away from finished goods prices. It isn’t working all that well, but it isn’t near[ly] as bad as it could be. Anything that rises up as a currency alternative must be defamed, marginalized, and crushed – and yes, lovers of Bitcoin, that includes your precious digital dollars too. I do believe we’ll eventually end up locked into such an electronic currency system, but right now we’re still in the dollar standard (albeit losing strength) and rivals will not be tolerated.

Countries have been bombed, leaders taken out, and resources pillaged because those countries dared sidestep the U.S. dollar but the pressure is mounting and the panic moves are going to get more and more spectacular. Russia and China, just for starters, cannot be bullied at this point. They’re doing their own thing and daring anyone to challenge them.

I don’t want to get too far into geopolitics here, but I don’t think all the saber rattling by PDRK [North Korea] and others is just a coincidence. There are huge monetary moves going on just across the Sea of Japan and elsewhere, and there will be a war about all this eventually, as sure as I’m sitting here and as surely as you’re reading this.

As far as maintaining the confidence in the Dollar goes, that is really the last bastion of a fiat currency before it dies. The rest of the world has already given the U.S. dollar a resounding vote of no confidence in the form of various extra-dollar trade deals, a lack of willingness to accumulate more USBonds and a trickle of sales of such bonds. For those who are still accumulating, they seem to be focusing on shorter-duration bonds while the not-so-USFed is left to buy up the longer-dated bonds with its QE. If gold has no friends, then the USDollar is sitting in the corner of the classroom with a giant dunce cap on its head and a ‘kick me’ sign taped on its back.

4) Pound the metals in advance of subsequent highly inflationary monetary moves. A popular tactic of the banking syndicate has been to knock the precious metals complex down a notch or two in advance of what it feels is going to be a big move for either technical, geopolitical, economic, or monetary reasons. The recent announcement by the Bank of Japan to buy virtually unlimited amounts of Japanese government bonds (monetization) is going to have massive ripple effects. They’ve joined the race to the bottom so [now] three of the four major central banks (BOJ, ECB, and USFed) are fully on board the monetization/quantitative easing bandwagon. The Bank of England is all but on board as well.

These other banking entities are facing crises of confidence in their currencies as well. It is to everyone’s best interests (those in the cartel, that is) to bash metals, gold in particular. It serves many purposes at once and will make the government of Cyprus (and probably some others too) look like Gordon Brown in a few years and maybe a tad sooner. Poor Gordon. He sold Britain’s gold for a song only to watch it soar in the years to follow. That move, in and of itself, is an entire essay.

The Bottom Line

For years now those interested in gold have been divided into two camps:

  1. those who feel gold will protect wealth in an inflationary environment and
  2. those who feel gold is a foolish investment because we’re likely to see a deflationary, Great Depression-like event.

I’ve always leaned towards the inflationary side but, while I haven’t discounted the possibility of another attempt to ‘reset’ the system through a deflationary flush, at this point it really looks like the urge is to put the worst kind of beating on the commoners of the world by sticking us with an extended period of stagflation, which is what we’ve gotten for the past half dozen years now….

In this kind of an environment, the shenanigans of the JPMorgan/Goldman Sachs crew notwithstanding, precious metals are a tangible way to protect your purchasing power. These machinations are intended to convince you otherwise. If that weren’t really the case, do you think all these top-tier elites would be grabbing it up? Seriously. Follow the money. Just as I wrote back in 2008 when I said that gold was the ‘Opportunity of a Lifetime’, that is just as true today as it was then. Granted, it’ll cost you quite a few more FRNs to get yourself some, even after the recent stunts, but this episode, like its predecessors, will soon be nothing more than a memory and then gold will once again have many friends.

For now I’m content to stick with the money of monies and the only money with a 6000-year track record. Gold is the real McCoy; not these cheap substitutes pushed by greedy banks and governments. For those with the enough fortitude, today is to gold what March 6, 2009 was to stocks.

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions in the above article are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original post. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.

* (Please feel free to distribute, copy or otherwise disseminate this information.)

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One comment

  1. Great Review, I look forward to reading more from Andy Sutton and I’d like to ask him the same question I posted on Dr. Nu Yu’s great Blog:

    I believe that these (PM) charts are just displaying what the Central Banks are doing to the World’s economy (we are seeing them display what the result of changing the “rules” during a game, are upon the game)! Because we have just seen major “corrections” by the Central Banks, what the charts are showing is far from what they might have projected if we were not having these dramatic events occur.

    For this reason, would you consider that unless one refers to similar periods in history where the Central Banks did the same thing, the charts while interesting don’t reflect our current reality! For all those that using charting to decipher the Market, it is as if they are trying to decode a long message while the code they are using is changed during the process… The end message, even though it is decoded properly, is garbled.