Tuesday , 11 March 2025

What Do You Think – Is Spain on the Brink? (+2K Views)

Economic risk in the Eurozone and elsewhere appears to be escalating, and what is said here describes what may prove to be the ‘biggest crack yet in Humpty Dumpty’s shell’.

So says Ian R. Campbell 

Campbell goes on to say, in part:

Yesterday, the ‘rubber hit the road’, with the ‘leaked release’ of some of the apparent conditions that will be attached to the agreement reached by Eurozone country finance ministers two weeks ago [regarding the Spanish financial crisis]. These conditions, which are said to include

  • the takeover of Spain’s financial system by the European Union;
  • a write down on 67 billion euros of bank debt to be taken by existing creditors of the banks; and,
  • a wind-down of at least one Spanish bank,

are being called ‘draconian’. This is likely for no reason other than such extreme measures have not previously been seen until now among Eurozone countries. That said, it seems obvious that ‘draconian measures’ are called for, not just in Spain, and not just in the Eurozone.

While this was going on, Spanish Premier Maiano Rajoy announced:

  • an increase in Spanish VAT (value added, or sales tax) from 18% to 21% for products (and I assume most services) other than food where Spanish VAT remains at 4%; and,
  • introduced 65 billion euros in austerity programs.

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Consider the consequences of these measures, which on the balance of probabilities likely include:

  • near-term reduction in retail sales from current levels. This given Spain’s current 24% overall unemployment rate and 52% youth unemployment rate;
  • increases in at least the overall unemployment rate;
  • a drop in Spain’s GDP;
  • notwithstanding the austerity measures introduced, a continuing Spanish Federal deficit;
  • absent Spanish currency controls, a run on Spain’s banks;
  • a very unhappy ‘Main Street’ population with a very real chance of demonstrations and ‘less than happy’ social unrest;
  • reduced tourist revenues if that happens, where tourism is very important to Spain; and,
  • continuation and likely worsening of the current Spanish economic recession.

It typically is not a good thing when a ‘small shoe drops’ and Spain is a ‘big shoe’ in Eurozone terms.

Watch for things in Spain to get worse before they get better and, in particular, look for signs of negative economic related contagion issues flowing out of Spain to other Eurozone countries and possibly the world banking system. 

Topical References:

Editor’s Note: The above article may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…), and reformatted (including the title, some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article.

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