Monday , 17 March 2025

Influential Analysts, Economists, Hedge Fund Managers and Traders Watch These Charts Closely – Now You Can Too

We love charts….so we reached out to some of the world’s most influential analysts, economists, hedge-funders and traders and asked them a simple question: “What charts are you always keeping your eye on?” [Here they are!] Words: 440

So says Simone Foxman ( in edited excerpts from her original article*.

Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), has edited the article below for length and clarity – see Editor’s Note at the bottom of the page. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Foxman goes on to say, in part:

Their responses were surprisingly varied, from slides that delved into S&P earnings, to another that broke down US demographics, and another that found new and improved ways to look at European borrowing, and much much more. [Below are hyperlinks to 36 of the charts or you can go here to see all 50 of the charts (some analysts supplied several charts) in slide format.]

  1. Lakshman Achuthan, GDP & Employment Growth During U.S. Expansion 
  2. Scott Barber, Global Metals and Mining Stocks
  3. Harley Bassman, CMM vs. 10CMS 
  4. Rich Bernstein, S&P 500: EPS Surprises 
  5. David Bianco, Share of S&P 500 Profits by Regions of the World
  6. Michael Block, Russell 1000 Value vs. Russell 1000 Growth 
  7. Jack Bogle, S&P 500 Price-to-Book Ratio from 1977 
  8. Josh Brown, DJIA vs. Inflation 
  9. Matt Busigin, Ratio of Wages to Corporate Profits 
  10. Dutch Book, Initial Jobless Claims vs. S&P 500 
  11. Steven Englander, Citi’s Risky-Currency Risk Reversal Index vs. S&P 500 
  12. Kevin Ferry, ISM Manufacturing: PMI Composite Index 1948-2012 
  13. Martin Fridson, High Yield Spread vs. Treasuries 
  14. George Goncalves, China Balance of Payments & Purchase of U.S. Treasuries 
  15. Megan Greene, Spanish Financial Account Balance 
  16. Dan Greenhaus, Global Purchasing Managers’ Indices 
  17. Dylan Grice, U.S. Federal Debt on a Cash vs. Accruals Basis 
  18. Jeffrey Gundlach, Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite Index ($SSEC) 
  19. Jan Hatzius, U.S. Economic Data Surprises 
  20. John Hussman, Projected S&P 500 vs. Real S&P 500 Returns 
  21. Doug Kass, S&P 500 Trailing P/E 1961-1979 vs. 2001 to Current 
  22. Tom Keene, 5Yr Moving Average of U.S. Real GDP 
  23. Jordan Kotick, The Market Cycle 
  24. Paul Krugman, Spanish 10-Year Yields 
  25. Eric Lascelles, Gallup’s Daily Poll of Economic Confidence 
  26. Joe LaVorgna, Federal Deposits of Withheld Income & Employment Taxes 
  27. Bill McBride, % Job Losses in Post WW2 Recessions 
  28. Michael McDonough, European Purchasing Managers Indices 
  29. Jim O’Neill, 4 Week Moving Average of U.S. Initial Jobless Claims 
  30. Tom Porcelli, Historical Relationships Between Mortgage Rates & Applications 
  31. David Rosenberg, Real GDP vs. Real Potential GDP
  32. David Schawel, Coincident-to-Lagging Ratio
  33. Gary Shilling, Comparative Stock & Bond Performances
  34. John Stoltzfus, Performance of Broad Market & Sector Indices YTD 
  35. Peter Tchir, Share Price of JP Morgan ($JPM) 
  36. Jason Trennert, % of S&P 500 Stocks with Dividend Yields Exceeding US Treasury Yield 
  37. Byron Wien, Global Distribution of Patent Applications 
  38. Ellen Zentner, Job Growth vs. Volatility

BI would also like to send a major thanks to Bloomberg for letting us use screenshots from the Bloomberg Terminal, which many economists sent to us directly.

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Editor’s Note: The above article may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…), and reformatted (including the title, some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article.

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