Saturday , 15 March 2025

Spanish Prostitutes Tell Wealthy Bankers: "No Loans, No Lays"! Is This an Early April Fool's Day Spoof?

The largest association of luxury escorts in Spain – some costing as much as £250-an-hour – are reported to be boycotting their usual banker-clientele by refusing their erotic services until they start lending to the lower Spanish classes and SMEs (I assume this reference is to ‘small and medium business enterprises’). Sunday is April Fool’s Day so is this really happening or is it just an early spoof? Read on… Words: 497

So reports Ian R. Campbell of in excerpts from his latest Economic & Resource Stocks Commentary (subscription required). (Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), has edited his comments below for length and clarity. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.)

Campbell goes on to write:

Featured Article: The March 28 article* by Jamie Lewis ( reports that the strike began when an escort spread the word that she had forced her client into granting a credit loan simply by stopping a sexual service. 

The article says that the Spanish Minister of Economy and Competitiveness [has] told Mexican news website that there has not been a formal communication of the strike [to date] – the escorts are making use of their right of admission or denying entry to…well, you know… [but] the trade association spokeswoman says the prostitutes….”have been on strike for three days now and we don’t think they [the government and the Bank of Spain] can withstand much more” going on to say, “We are the only ones with a real ability to pressure the sector.” She also said that regular clients who earn their money banking have attempted to masquerade as architects and engineers.

My Comments: For a brief break from reality you have to love this. If this article goes viral on the Internet imagine the wording of potential ‘tweets’. One that comes immediately to mind: ‘Bankers avoid being screwed’ (27 characters, only 20% of the number of characters allowed by Twitter). I am sure everyone reading this can improve on that if they elect to.

The article includes a number of other salacious quotes, so much so, that one wonders whether the author is ‘stealing a march’ on April Fool’s Day.

*Read: High Class Spanish Prostitutes Tell Wealthy Bankers ‘No Loans, No Lay’. Source: International Business Times, James Lewis, March 28, 2012. Reading time 2 minutes.

Editor’s Note: The above article has been has edited ([ ]), abridged (…), and reformatted (including the title, some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article.

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