Saturday , 15 March 2025

Links to 12 of the “Best-of-the-Best” Articles on Gold & Silver You Might Have Missed

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Been busy? Not to worry. Here are introductory paragraphs and links to 12 of the “best of the best” articles on gold and silver that you might have missed reading. Each article has been edited for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure you a fast and easy read. Read just one or read them all. Enjoy!

By Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!) and (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds).

1. Goldrunner Update: Gold, Silver & PM Stock Sentiment Sucks BUT the Fundamentals Are Off the Wall!


Sentiment in the precious metals sector is in the toilet yet the fundamentals for the sector are off the walls positive.  That is not secret, but it is what creates huge market moves in the direction of the fundamentals. In fact, market management will never move price against the underlying fundamentals for too long a period of time.

2. Keep the Faith – This Bull Market in Gold STILL Promises to Be One for the History Books! Here’s Why


Seeing the S&P 500 outperform gold and seeing gold stocks get decimated…has been enough to create suicidal sentiment…in the precious metals (PM) sector…but, as the many calls for an end of the PM bull market…[are expressed,] the risk in the PM sector gets lower and lower. The bigger picture hasn’t changed and isn’t going to for some time [so] keep the faith and hold onto your PM sector items tight. Don’t let the short and intermediate-term noise distract you from what STILL promises to be a secular bull market for the history books. The Dow to Gold ratio will hit 2 and might even go below 1 this cycle. [Let me explain.] Words: 873

3. Gold & Silver vs. Fiat: Do You Live In An Imaginary World Or In Reality?

gold and currencies

Make no mistake about it, it is the central bankers that are leading governments around by the nose, and by proxy, governments leading people around by the nose, and that “nose” is inhaling “lines” of fiat. Unless cured, all addictions end badly, and the only “cure” central bankers have for ever-increasing fiat is, ever-increasing it more. [You can protect yourself, however, by] demanding less of the valueless fiat and keeping, and growing, your wealth by buying and accumulating real value: physical gold and silver.  Anything less, and you are still dealing in the imaginary world that is failing. [This article explains why that is the case.] Words: 834

4. Alf Field: Once $1,800 Is Taken Out Gold Will See a Vigorous Climb to $4,500 Area


There is a high probability that the correction in the gold price that started in early October at $1797 has been completed. Once $1800 is taken out on the upside the gold chart will look tremendous. A beautiful “cup and handle” base would then provide strong support for a vigorous upward climb in the precious metal. At this stage there is no reason to abandon the rough target of $4500 for this coming upward wave. [Below is my analysis and some charts on the situation.] Words: 434; Charts: 2

5. What Do the Similarities & Differences Between the 1980 Top in Gold & the Current Situation Mean for Its Future?


The fact that nobody really knows with absolute certainty where gold will really go from today onward makes people try to make their own guesses about what can happen with the yellow metal. One of the methods to do that is to look back into past situations and try to estimate if what is happening now is somehow similar to those past events. The situation in the gold market today is different than the one in 1980 in a few important areas. Even if past patterns don’t give you any certainty, though, sometimes they can limit the uncertainty. Let us analyze that in more detail. Words: 1260; Charts: 2

6. The Charts Tell ALL and THIS Is What They’re Saying About Gold & Silver for 2013


It is impossible not to read some source…touting the “fact” that the price of gold and silver will be…[“$x”, “$y”, etc.] in the “coming months” or in the “next year or two,” etc. The market, however, does not echo those…sentiments because that is exactly what they are, sentiments.  When it comes to sentiments or opinions, regardless of how close to source or how well reasoned, the market does not care. The charts are all-knowing, and they present everything known about the price, sans any opinion(s). Just deal with the facts and plan accordingly.  Trust the markets – they never lie – [and this is what they are saying about the price of gold and silver in 2013]. Words: 1889; Charts: 6

7. Is Silver About to Begin a Parabolic Rally to $60+ OR Collapse to Possibly As Low As $22?

10 Ounce Silver Bullion Bars

Is silver about to begin the parabolic rally over $60? My simple answer is, most likely, not yet. [Here’s why]. Words: 324

8. A Peek at Possible Developments in Gold, Silver, Mining Shares & the Dow


There are countless articles available for free suggesting what to expect short- and long-term in the markets but what are those analysts who charge a fee for their insights and recommendations saying these days? Same old, same old or unique and actionable? One such subscription market timing service has pulled back the veil to give us a peek at what could well be unfolding. Words: 906; Charts: 8 links

9. Jim Sinclair: Gold & Gold Share Bearishness a Contrarian’s Dream


Gold will not be confiscated because it becomes a major asset of the insiders. Gold producing companies with low cost operation will enjoy the leverage common to that industry in what is about occur. The amount of bearishness now developing in gold and certainly in good gold shares is the ultimate contrarian’s dream about to come true. Words: 968

10. Goldbug Exclusive: Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is & Potentially Earn a +10-bagger Return! Here’s How


I am not a big fan of gold [and believe that the best we can expect for 2013 is that it will go sideways.] That said, [however,] I believe that there is still substantial money to be made from a such a sideways movement [and much, much more should it actually increase somewhat in price. This article explains exactly how.] Words: 691; Charts: 2

11. If You Think Silver Is Going To Increase In 2013 Here’s How to Best Maximize Your Return


I am not normally a big fan of precious metals but in 2013 I am an unabashed fan of silver. If  SLV were to return 15% next year there is a 95% probability that a ProShares Ultrashort Silver ETF (ZSL) put option on SLV would return 80%+!  [Let me explain how I have come to that conclusion.] Words: 985

12. Silver: Another Decade of 500% Returns is Very Possible – Here’s Why

Silver Bars

Silver has given returns of 584% in the last ten years and this article discusses the reasons for believing that silver can produce another decade of over 500% returns. Words: 954; Charts: 7

13. Here are Some Articles on Gold & Silver You Might Have Missed Over the Holidays


Here are introductory paragraphs and links to 13 of the “best of the best” articles on gold and silver that you might have missed getting ready for Christmas. Each article has been edited for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure you a fast and easy read. Enjoy!

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