Tuesday , 21 January 2025

75% of Americans are in Deep _ _ _t! (+2K Views)

Americans are in deep debt!

Rising education and medical costs, on-going credit card interest payments, well used personal lines of credit and large mortgage debt and home equity loans – most a penchant for living beyond their means – is keeping  75% of American households in some degree of debt.  Take a look and then pass it on to your friends, neighbors and co-workers.

The bankruptcy law firm of Wink & Wink P.L. (www.winkandwink.com) put together the following graphic chart* that clearly illustrates just how deep individual American citizens are in debt. The median American family carries more than $170,000 dollars in debt while earning just $49,400 per year according to the latest Census Bureau statistics. The graphics are provided for you by www.munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!).  Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.


American Family Consumer Debt Facts


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