Tuesday , 21 January 2025

Will This Be The USA in 2012?

The economic condition of the country continues to decline toward its rendezvous with an, as yet, unknowable catastrophe. Here is… a look (not a prediction) at a series of not improbable events that could develop [and which] would change our economic world overnight. Words: 1550

So says Monty Pelerin (pseudonym) at www.EconomicNoise.com  in edited excerpts from his original article*.

[Lorimer Wilson, editor of www.FinancialArticleSummariesToday.com (A site for sore eyes and inquisitive minds) and www.munKNEE.com (Your Key to Making Money!) has edited ([ ]), abridged (…) and reformatted (some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) the article below for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The report’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article. Please note that this paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.]

Pelerin goes on to say:

A Possible Economic Apocalypse Outlook For 2012

The country has officially been in  economic recession since the end of 2010. Many believe that it never recovered from what began in 2008. The word depression is now commonplace. Trust in Congress has fallen to single digits. Similarly, government reports and statistics are increasingly mocked by the public. The media is likened to Pravda because only government-speak is allowed. Distrust, despair and fear are everywhere.

  • Official unemployment numbers approach 14%. Unofficial estimates of unemployment range from 30 -35%. There are no signs of a turnaround in employment.
  • The Dow-Jones average hovers around 4,500.
  • Official GDP has been declining for four consecutive quarters. Independent analysts estimate the true numbers have been declining for two years.
  • Tax collections continue to drop while Federal spending accelerates. The deficit is expected to exceed $3 Trillion. Federal debt now exceeds $16 Trillion.
  • The rate of foreclosures has doubled from the previous high in 2011. Personal and corporate bankruptcies have reached levels thought impossible.
  • Major companies have left or announced intentions of leaving the U.S. to avoid the confiscatory taxes and regulations. College students, unable to find jobs, are emigrating to more favorable economies.
  • California, Illinois and several other states are in bankruptcy court as are thousand of municipalities. Many states and municipalities are using IOUs for payments.
  • Welfare and unemployment checks are two months behind on average. Social Security checks and Medicare reimbursements are delayed. Some private pension funds have reduced their payments by 10 – 25%.
  • Hospitals and doctors refuse to see Medicare patients until Federal reimbursements, already eight months behind schedule, are paid.
  • Public unions across the country are on strike. Large areas are without teachers, police, firemen or hospital staff.
  • Food stamps are being rejected at grocery stores because of slow reimbursement and government default risk.
  • Martial law has been imposed in several cities to counter rioting and looting.
  • Isolated runs on banks have occurred. Mattress-stuffing is considered less risky than zero interest returns from banks.
  • The dollar is being rejected by local merchants around the world. Oil is priced in a weighted basket of currencies of which only 20% represents dollars.
  • Foreign disinvestment in Treasuries has been accelerating as a result of trade wars, concerns of default and the desperate need for funding at home.
  • Gold is selling at $2,800 per ounce.
  • The economy continues to deteriorate despite QE on a scale not even Paul Krugman would have recommended. Treasury and toxic asset purchases have swelled the Fed’s balance sheet from $800 billion in 2008 to $6 Trillion.
  • The deflationary spiral continues despite incredible money-creation. Banks continue to add more excess reserves. Creditworthy borrowers refuse to borrow. People and businesses everywhere have hunkered down, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Many withdraw funds from the banking system in fear of its collapse.

The Possible (Likely) Emergency Measure

It is against the above economic backdrop that the President of the United States Joe Biden (in office for six months after former President Obama resigned “to spend more time with his family”) appears, along with Treasury Secretary Chris Dodd and Fed Chairman Barney Frank, and issues the following short, terse message:

The Federal Government, as a result of our national economic emergency, will be recalling all U.S. dollars effective immediately.  All will be replaced with new currency known as the JohnLawDollar. Each old dollar will be exchanged for three JohnLawDollars. Amounts in checking accounts and savings accounts will automatically convert by tomorrow at 10 AM. Currency in circulation must be taken to a bank and converted within the next 48 hours. Dollars in foreign countries will have 72 hours to convert. All old dollars will be unredeemable and no longer legal tender after the deadlines. All contractual obligations will be honored in JohnLawDollars.

This action is necessary in order to revive our economy from a downturn nearly as severe as the Great Depression. Your new dollars are triple what your old dollars were. With your larger amount of money, we encourage you to go out and buy stuff, lots of it. Your cooperation will revive the economy.

The Intended Solution – and Reality – of the Emergency Measure

The announcement represents a (undeclared) U.S. default on 67% of its contractual obligations –  including Treasuries, Social Security, Medicare and welfare payments. All debt has been reduced by 2/3s in value. The debt problem (public and private) is what is killing the economy. With one short proclamation, the debt problem has been reduced dramatically.

Tripling the money supply will eventually triple prices and wages. Home prices will soar while mortgage obligations remain fixed and payable out of incomes that will be three times what they are now. The government will have cut its obligations dramatically and now be able to pay its bills.

The government’s gain will come at the expense of Social Security, Medicare and welfare recipients. Borrowers gain only what lenders lose. Other private contracts produce winners only at the expense of losers. There is no net value added. Every gain is someone’s loss. Only the amounts “stolen” from foreign investors might be claimed to help the U.S. The rest is nothing more than a redistribution of wealth.

The Likelihood of Such An Emergency Measure

Many believe that the government would never do such a thing. The reality is that this has been their proposed solution for the past couple of years. It is exactly the policy they have tried to implement. There are only two differences between the current policy and the hypothetical one – effectiveness and timing.

Fed Chair Ben Bernanke has clearly been trying to inflate the economy. He and other supposed experts regard inflation as the way out. It is only Mr. Bernanke’s ineffectiveness as to why we don’t have inflation. The hypothetical measure is nothing more than the preferred strategy compressed in time. The effects, other than timing, would be identical. Lew Rockwell’s thief analogy is appropriate. What is the difference between a thief that breaks into your house every night and steals a little versus the one who backs up a moving truck and takes everything?  Eventually you end up with an empty house. Only the timing differs.

As economic and political matters become more desperate, so will what the government considers acceptable. If a debt default cannot be engineered via continuous inflation, it will occur via a direct repudiation of obligations or a quasi-surreptitious one like the hypothetical one presented. Viewed from this perspective, I don’t think such a move or something approximating it is out of the question.

The political class’ survival is at stake. Eventually anything that extends their rule will be tried. It is not concern for you or the economy that is driving policy, but the preservation of power of an increasingly wounded power elite. Their survival is now driving policy.  Unfortunately what benefits them is generally harmful for the economy.

It is improbable that Bernanke’s strategy will gain enough traction fast enough. Two years have gone by and inflation is decreasing rather than increasing. Mr. Bernanke has thrown more than anyone dreamed at the problem with no results. Thus, a home-run pass somewhat like the one discussed becomes more likely. It will be a surprise when it comes.


Nothing discussed here or tried by the Administration will solve the economic problems of the country. What I have suggested is what I think could happen. It is not to be confused with good economic policy. Both the hypothetical measure and the more conventional inflationary strategy will lead to hyperinflation.

Inflation is not an economic event. Short of an inept Central Bank, inflation is always a political event. It is never a solution to an economic problem. It is employed out of desperation. When economic and political problems are intractable, the political class is apt to do anything to retain power.

Protect yourself, your family and your wealth in that order. Do not expect any help from Washington. The political class is not your friend, especially when their survival is at stake.

*http://www.economicnoise.com/2010/11/23/investing-part-2-factors-that-will-determine-the-future/ (Monty originally posted this on American Thinker. Monty Pelerin is a pseudonym derived from The Mont Pelerin Society. Friedrich Hayek, Nobel laureate in Economics in 1974, was the founding father of the Mont Pelerin Society.)


  1. The USofA is intentionally being taken down by the internationalist luciferians. The new world order (which is the old world order) cannot succeed until the US falls.

  2. Hi, I live in the middle of the Atlantic on the Azores islands (part of Portugal), we use the euro and I’m not sure how it’s going to play out over here, but I’m watching and like to stock up anyway. I lived in the States a few years (over 20 years ago) and I’m shocked at what is happening to such a wonderfull country, it’s unbelievable! It seems like scenes from Revelations are starting to kick in. The future is dark! Good luck to all of you who live in the U.S. (probably the rest of us to), keep your eye out and don’t believe in the government nor their mouthpiece media!!

  3. This is for real people. Fox News, Yahoo and all are crying about food shortages NOW! Another year down the drain with crop destruction and we have lost it all! Wheat, corn and other crops (fruit) have pretty much been ruined for this year already, look at Australia, Russia, South America. I don’t know how much a producer South America is, but the other two, Australia is still flooding, Russia has quit most exports due to their draught and America, well, we will see what spring has in store for us, pretty sure we will have some flooding with all the snow we have gotten so far, MN is already close to breaking our snowfall record ever and we are in January with our worst months yet to come.

  4. Phil, you can fix something being done intentionally.
    Just consult the law firm of Smith and Wesson, and the
    book of small-scale insurgencies.

  5. God’s Law. Forgive the debt. The baal worshipers “baaled” themselves out. These enemies of Jesus Christ know how it works. Get the dump sheep to sin against their creator, and “they” don’t have to fire a shot.
    The only answer is Gods Law. The Jubilee Year. Every 50 years the National Debt should be forgiven. Easy Weezy!

  6. How do you fix something that has been planned, implemented and has effectively left the masses stupid, fat, happy, and broke?

    People, in general, are uneducated and brainwashed through years of public school and TV.

    I have several friends who don’t know of or can even tell me who the Treasury Secretary of the Treasury is, or what the Federal Reserve Corporate Banks are, or who’s the Banking Committee Chairman is, or any person in Government at all. Except for the TV CongressCritters they see on the idiot box. But, they can play every single game on XBox!

    I have stored food, toiletries, water/filter, radio, batteries, and tent/sleeping bag, camp stove, fuel, medicines, and bought/and keep buying silver. And, more.
    My friends who think I’m nuts, just plug along each day, and have no food stored, no anything at all. They think we are the USA and nothing will ever happen here. Boy, are they in for a surprise.

    Store up, it’s going to get ugly.

    • Dont forget to pull your money out of the bank, or most of it anyhow, for right now until our money is useless. Also, don’t forget your gun, since you told people about your storing of food, once this happens, they will be knocking on your door either with a gun or a fist trying to get at your food because they didn’t prepare. I made sure to get extra ammo this past weekend just for my pantry food shelf! (for real!!) We actally bought an extra gun this weekend also, but not for that though.

      • Susan and others: only a fool would tell anyone about preparing or storing food, etc. Don’t even trust close friends, church people, co workers, even relatives. Immediate family incl. spouse (don’t even tell the kids). Stay low profile. All political activity is useless, incl. voting at this point, so live for self/family and hunker down. A small like minded group for bartering purposes is fine, just don’t blab stuff to anyone.

  7. If the power elite were going to collapse the economy, they would have already done so; if it happens anyway, the country is trashed forever without a future.

  8. This is not a scenario, this is what is really occurring right before our moronic eyes and at an accelerated pace. I just listened to Lindsey Williams and it’s going tom be devastating.
    the bible declares Woe to you Pharisees, hypocrites, Liars, and alike. we are encircled with the likes of these people and god is going to deal a blow to the U.S. and the other nations of the world including china. no nation will be shielded from the destruction.

    • If you believe the nonsense in the bible you are going to need a lot more help than can obtained from this site…

      • How do you know not to listen to the bible? I don’t know if it’s true but I don’t say in advance it is not true. I see what’s going on and I think there’s a good chance there will be some sort of Armageddon in the very near future because of all the corrupt governments that are run by immoral disgusting people that are influenced by the banks and the militairy industrial complex. Very simple.. it’s not difficult, it’s all very clear, so I don’t disregard prophecies, I just analyze the situation and then you can only come to the conclusion that probably it’s a good idea to take it seriously.

  9. You cannot fix something that is being done intentionally.

  10. Two back to back items got my attention:

    * Food stamps are being rejected at grocery stores because of slow reimbursement and government default risk.
    * Martial law has been imposed in several cities to counter rioting and looting.

    I’m not sure grocery stores can refuse food stamps. And, if they did, the state could give them a lot of grief on licensing and taxes.

    I seriously doubt we’ll see mass looting and martial law even in a few cities in 2012. Maybe in 2013, though.