Friday , 7 March 2025

Update! These 86 Analysts Now on $5,000 Gold Bandwagon (+12K Views)

126 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go To At Least $2,500

126 analysts have now written articles in which they put forth their projections for $10,000 Goldthe eventual peak price of gold complete with their rationale for such occurring. Of those 126 prognosticators 86 maintain that gold will go as high as $5,000 per ozt.. Take a look at who is projecting what, by when, and why and seriously consider getting in on the action if you have not already done so. It certainly does not appear to be too late. Not by a long shot! Words: 922 

Lorimer Wilson ( identifies below the 126 analysts by name with their price projections and time  frame. Please note that this complete paragraph, and a link back to the original article*, must be included in any article posting or re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Editor’s Note: If you find a name or two missing from the list below I would appreciate you sending me his/her name and the URL of the article in the comment section below so I can have the most comprehensive list available on the internet. To be included in the list only projections of gold achieving a parabolic top of at least $2,500 per troy ounce (for an excellent article on gold karats and troy ounces go here.), accompanied by sound reasons, will be included in the revised list. For some insights into what the implications of such high gold prices would have on the price of silver go here for an excellent article on the historical gold:silver ratio. How much gold should you buy? Read this article for some guidance in that regard.

These 7 Analysts See Gold Going Parabolic to +$10,000

  1. Mike Maloney: $15,000;
  2. Ben Davies: $10,000 – $15,000;  
  3. Howard Katz: $14,000;
  4. Jeffrey Lewis: $7,000-$14,000;
  5. Jim Rickards: $4,000 – $11,000;
  6. Roland Watson: $10,800;
  7. Goldrunner: $10,000 – $12,000

These 46 Analysts See Gold Price Peaking Between $5,001 and $10,000

  1. Bob Kirtley: $10,000;
  2. Arnold Bock: $10,000;
  3. Porter Stansberry: $10,000;
  4. Peter George: $10,000 (by 2015);
  5. Tom Fischer: $10,000;
  6. Shayne McGuire: $10,000;
  7. Eric Hommelberg: $10,000;
  8. David Petch: $6,000 – $10,000;  
  9. Gerald Celente: $6,000 – $10,000;
  10. Egon von Greyerz: $6,000 – $10,000;
  11. Peter Schiff: $5,000 – $10,000 (in 5 to 10 years);
  12. Patrick Kerr: $5,000 – $10,000;
  13. Peter Millar: $5,000 – $10,000;
  14. Roger Wiegand: $5,000 – $10,000;
  15. Alf Field: $4,250 – $10,000;
  16. Jeff Nielson: $3,000 – $10,000;
  17. Dennis van Ek: $9,000 (by 2015);
  18. Dominic Frisby: $8,000;
  19. Paul Brodsky: $8,000;  
  20. James Turk: $8,000 (by 2015);
  21. Joseph Russo: $7,000 – $8,000;
  22. Bob Chapman: $7,700;
  23. Michael Rozeff: $2,865 – $7,151;
  24. Jim Willie: $7,000;
  25. Dylan Grice: $6,300;
  26. Chris Mack: $6,241.64 (by 2015);
  27. Chuck DiFalco: $6,214 (by 2018);
  28. Jeff Clark: $6,214;                                                                                          
  29. Aubie Baltin: $6,200 (by 2017);
  30. Murray Sabrin: $6,153;
  31. Adam Hamilton: $6,000+;                                                     
  32. Samuel “Bud” Kress: $6,000 (by 2014);
  33. Robert Kientz: $6,000;
  34. Harry Schultz: $6,000;
  35. John Bougearel: $6,000;
  36. David Tice: $5,000 – $6,000;
  37. Laurence Hunt: $5,000 – $6,000 (by 2019);
  38. Taran Marwah: $3,000 – $6,000+;
  39. Martin Hutchinson: $3,100 – $5,700;
  40. Stephen Leeb: $5,500 (by 2015);
  41. Louise Yamada: $5,200;
  42. Jeremy Charlesworth: $5,000+;
  43. Przemyslaw Radomski: $5,000+;
  44. Jason Hamlin: $5,000+;
  45. Greg McCoach: $5,000+;
  46. David McAlvany: $5,000+

Cumulative sub-total: 53

These 33 Analysts Believe Gold Price Could Go As High As $5,000

  1. David Rosenberg: $5,000;
  2. Doug Casey: $5,000;
  3. Peter Cooper: $5,000;
  4. Robert McEwen: $5,000; (by 2012 – 2014)
  5. Martin Armstrong: $5,000 (by 2016);
  6. Peter Krauth: $5,000;
  7. Tim Iacono: $5,000 (by 2017);
  8. Christopher Wyke: $5,000;
  9. Frank Barbera: $5,000;
  10. John Lee: $5,000;
  11. Barry Dawes: $5,000;              
  12. Bob Lenzer: $5,000 (by 2015);
  13. Steve Betts: $5,000;
  14. Stewart Thomson: $5,000;
  15. Charles Morris: $5,000 (by 2015);
  16. Marvin Clark: $5,000 (by 2015);
  17. Eric Sprott: $5,000;
  18. Nathan Narusis: $5,000;
  19. Bud Conrad: $4,000 – $5,000;
  20. Paul Mylchreest: $4,000 – $5,000;
  21. Pierre Lassonde: $4,000 – $5,000;
  22. Willem Middelkoop: $4,000 – $5,000;
  23. Mary Anne and Pamela Aden: $3,000 – $5,000;
  24. James Dines: $3,000 – $5,000;
  25. Bill Murphy: $3,000 – $5,000;
  26. Bill Bonner: $3,000 – $5,000;
  27. Peter Degraaf: $2,500 – $5,000;
  28. Eric Janszen: $2,500 – $5,000;
  29. Larry Jeddeloh: $2,300 – $5,000 (by 2013);
  30. Larry Edelson: $2,300 – $5,000 (by 2015);
  31. Luke Burgess: $2,000 – $5,000;
  32. Jim Sinclair: $3,000 – $5,000;
  33. Marc Faber: $1,500 – $5,000                                                    

Cumulative sub-total: 86

28 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go Up to Between $3,000 and $4,999

  1. David Moenning: $4,525;                                                                                                          
  2. Larry Reaugh: $4,000+;
  3. Mike Knowles: $4,000;
  4. Ian Gordon/Christopher Funston: $4,000;
  5. Barry Elias: $4,000; (by 2020);
  6. Jay Taylor: $3,000 – $4,000;
  7. Christian Barnard: $2,500 – $4,000;
  8. John Paulson: $2,400 – $4,000;
  9. Myles Zyblock: $3,800;
  10. Eric Roseman: $2,500 – $3,500 (by 2015);
  11. Christopher Wood: $3,360;
  12. Franklin Sanders: $3,130;
  13. John Henderson: $3,000+ (by 2015 – 17);
  14. Michael Berry: $3,000+ (by 2015);                                                                                   
  15. Hans Goetti: $3,000;
  16. Michael Yorba: $3,000;
  17. David Urban; $3,000;
  18. Mitchell Langbert: $3,000;
  19. Brett Arends: $3,000;
  20. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard: $3,000;
  21. John Williams: $3,000;
  22. Byron King: $3,000;
  23. Ron Paul: $3,000 (by 2020);
  24. Chris Weber: $3,000 (by 2020);
  25. Mark Leibovit: $3,000;
  26. Mark O’Byrne: $3,000;
  27. Kevin Kerr: $3,000;
  28. Frank Holmes: $3,000 

Cumulative subtotal: 114

These 12 Analysts Believe Gold Will Go to Between $2,500 and $3,000

  1. Ian McAvity: $2,500 – $3,000;
  2. Jeff Nichols: $2,000 – $3,000;
  3. Graham French: $2,000 – $3,000;
  4. Bank of America Merrill Lynch: $2,000 – $3,000;
  5. Joe Foster: $2,000 – $3,000 (by 2019);
  6. David Morgan: $2,900;
  7. Sascha Opel: $2,500+;
  8. Rick Rule: $2,500 (by 2013);
  9. Daniel Brebner: $2,500;
  10. James DiGeorgia: $2,500;
  11. Peter Hambro: $2,500;
  12. Charles Nenner: $2,500 (by 2012 – 13)

Grand Total: 126


There you have it. Who would have believed that 126 distinguished analysts would maintain that gold and by implication, silver,  are likely to achieve such lofty levels as a result of the effects of our current financially troubled and volatile times? Their rationale is varied but each is sound in its own right.

If we are to put any credence whatsoever into the rationale presented by the above analysts then it seems prudent to own some physical gold and silver to shield ourselves from future rampant inflation and currency devaluations and to ensure an outstanding return on our investment.



  1. Dear Sir,
    Good Read, 122 Analysts between $2,500 and the moon.
    If we reach the moon the POG will not matter as all currencies and economies as we know them will no longer exist. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
    I wonder if you could provide a list of those between 1,300 and 2,500
    Much appreciated.

    M Brine

  2. David Bensimon, I believe, according his long wave projectings in 2006: 20.000 in 2020

  3. Worst case scenario: the US bullies the world long enough to maintain their currency for another 2-3 years… some say 10-12 years-which I doubt could be achieved…

    If you recall … the Old world has been complaining about the US fiat inflation for the last 30-40 years, and few could predict the US could get away with it that long…

    (correction, they just resented it)

    Time to pay the piper…

  4. One question I ask myself is to what extent would the parabolic rise of gold stay ahead of a rise in prices of typical goods and services? To what extent will gold be an exciting speculative investment versus a hedge against loss of buying power?

    Teddy H.

  5. I’ve been a gold bull right up there with the rest of them, but after seeing this list, it reminds me of Joe Kennedy in 1929. While getting a shoe shine, the shiner mentions to Joe, that the Market is hot, and he should buy, buy, buy. When Joe got back to his office, he called his broker and told him to sell, sell, sell. The rest is history. I see this extensive list as overwhelming evidence of this being a bubble. Not saying it won’t go higher, but I can think of 62 reasons to hedge. GLTA

  6. If dollar turn into so-called paper peso, there is no limit for price of gold rising to new high!