Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: world’s reserve currency

U.S. Dollar As Reserve Currency: These Countries & Organizations No Longer Use It – What’s Next? (+5K Views)

With less countries and organizations using the dollar to settle international transactions, it slowly chips away at its hegemony of the U.S. dollar as the world's reserve currency. China is at the epicenter of this transition and is making continued progress in cutting deals outside of the U.S. dollar framework. Deals shown in the infographic are currency flows between countries that have abandoned the dollar in bilateral trade, as well as countries that are considering such measures.

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Introduction Of Chinese SWIFT System Would Cause Swift Decline of USD As World’s Reserve Currency – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The U.S. holds great power over international monetary transactions via the SWIFT network system given the USD's world reserve currency status...It is entirely possible, however, that China and its closest partners might someday implement their own SWIFT system...The world's players could then choose between the two and, given the resentment that exists worldwide toward the U.S. for the bullying of FATCA, many would likely align with China in their SWIFT system. In doing so it would eliminate their need to comply with FATCA and other draconian U.S. demands [which might well bring about a swift] end to the U.S. dollar as the world's default currency.

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Those With Debts Will Go Broke in Coming Deflationary Depression – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

We have had massive monetary creation for decades now which we have finally come to the day of reckoning. We do not know if the top will be next month, next year or even later but we certainly are getting to the top where we cannot buy our way out of the problem through a new stimulus injection... The truth is that a terrible, deflationary depression is probably starting in the coming months. Words: 1581

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