Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: uranium

These Minerals Are Critical to U.S. Economic & National Security (+2K Views)

What do cobalt, uranium, helium, titanium, and fluorspar have in common? According to the U.S. government, these are all minerals that are deemed critical to both the economic and national security of the country. The list of 35 minerals (listed below) includes those that are important for defense, economic, and industrial purposes – and it keys in especially on minerals that are not produced in substantial quantities domestically.

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6 Bull Market Sectors at Risk of Becoming the Next Big Bubbles

As those familiar with the basics of Austrian economics can attest, an increase in the supply of money and credit [often leads to] asset bubbles in whatever sector(s) the new money and credit find their way into. With the U.S. economy so robust it will not go down easily and, as such, there is still the possibility that the Fed's radical inflationary policies will not break the dollar, but just kick the can down the road one more time, and unleash one more bubble before the bill for 40+ years of monetary madness is finally due. What sectors are most likely to be the recipient of a bubble? [Let's look at the possibilities.] Words: 1212

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Forget Gold Bullion! Those in the Know Own Silver & Gold Miner Warrants (+9K Views)

The world of warrants is the undiscovered constellation in the universe of securities. Long term (LT) warrants shone brightly in 2009 - up 242% in U. S. dollar terms - and were up a further 91% in U.S. dollar terms in 2010. The warrants world consists of only 135 stars (i.e. constituents) of which only 32 are associated with 29 commodity-related stocks that have sufficient brightness (i.e. 24+ months duration) to warrant (the pun is intended!) the attention of earthly investors. Words: 1581

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Get Positioned: Oil & Uranium Going to Record Highs! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

As the world approaches ‘Peak Oil’ crude oil usage will begin to be rationed more and more and the world will turn to nuclear energy to meets its energy needs. As such, expect both oil and uranium to surpass their previous record levels of US$147 per barrel and US$140 per pound, respectively, within the next 2-3 years. Let me explain why. Words: 1446

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Why Commodities Are The Conservative Choice Of Cautious Investors (+2K Views)

Confessions of a Conservative Investor Back in 2004 I made the momentous decision to sell my house in a real estate market that was still spiralling northward rather than wait for it to peak and then try to bail out as it declined. I knew that my cautious [and conservative] inclinations would cause me to miss out on further upside …

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Confessions Of A Conservative Investor With Anything But “Conservative” Investments (3K Views)

Back in 2004 I made the momentous decision to sell my house in a real estate market that was still spiralling northward rather than wait for it to peak and then try to bail out as it declined. I knew that my cautious [and conservative] inclinations would cause me to miss out on further upside gains, but I saw the writing on the wall – two walls, in fact. I realized it was just a matter of time before the housing bubble burst and believed that commodities were about to take off. Words: 1111

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