Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: unemployment

A Light-hearted Look At Our Financial World (+3K Views)

We often take things far too seriously when looking at the world of high finance, the global economy and the ins and outs of investing. Lighten up and relax. See the world for what it really is through the eyes (and words) of some individuals who can do just that.

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Unsustainable Debt-to-GDP Ratio Will Result in (Hyper)inflation (+4K Views)

Central banking makes it possible for the government to expand the money supply by any amount, at any time deemed necessary and once (hyper)inflation is publicly seen as being the lesser evil of all options available for the government meeting its debt service, it cannot be dismissed out of hand that (hyper)inflation would be the consequence of an unsustainable debt-to-GDP ratio.

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The Average Joe’s Take On How Governments Manage Their Finances (3K Views)

This scheme of revolving credit will end badly when the pigeons come home to roost; when the piper has to be paid; when we find out that there is no such thing as a free lunch. It is just a matter of time before we become the last of society’s ‘greater fools’ and, as such, are the ones required to pay the inevitable price of achieving future economic and financial stability.

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Getting Lost in the Investment Maze? Get a New GPS (+2K Views)

Getting from point A to point B in the real world can be quite simple. In the investment world, the roadways are constantly shifting. Changes in interest rates, tax policies, unemployment, fiscal initiatives can represent obstacles and navigating these winding paths can require your very own GPS advice. Words: 494

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No Fewer Than FIVE Ominous, Vicious Cycles Await Us (+2K Views)

Neither the White House nor the CBO have adequately considered the real impact of the very deficits they themselves are projecting. While they admit the deficits will be off the charts they fail to connect the dots from that admission to its obvious natural consequences — no fewer than FIVE ominous, vicious cycles.

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