Thursday , 2 May 2024

Tag Archives: U.S. debt as a percent of GDP

Hubbert: Peak Oil and the Coming Cultural Crisis

In 1956 Hubbert predicted that US oil peak [production] would be sometime between 1969 and 1971 for [which] he was ridiculed...[but it did precisely that - ] in 1970... Then, in 1974, he predicted [that] the world ] production of crude] oil [would] peak [around] 1998 [qualifying that projection by saying] that if OPEC were to restrict the supply, then the peak would be delayed by 10-15 years which would put it at 2008-2013, or exactly right. OK, now is anyone willing to make a bet that Hubbert's THIRD prophecy about the cultural crisis he expected is wrong? Didn't think so. Here it is [- and I include in the article several suggestions on how Hubbert's 3rd forecast might actually be averted were the powers to be agree to take drastic action, which is unlikely]. Words: 1369

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America's Current Economic Factors Make for a Very Dire Future!

Much of the prosperity of the last twenty to thirty years was illusory. We lived beyond our means as a result of easy credit. Now we have the hangover from these good times in the form of excessive debt. [As such,] the background conditions/factors that will influence/dominate our economic future are unique. and pundits and forecasters using traditional economic measures and models are wasting their time and misleading themselves unless they incorporate such factors into their thinking. [Let's take a look at what they are.] Words: 1300

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Risk for the Economy is Deflation, NOT Inflation (+2K Views)

Presently, the federal government is increasing spending that in the end may actually retard economic activity, and is also proposing tax increases that will further restrain private sector growth. In other words, fiscal policy is executing a program that is 180 degrees opposite from what it should be to stimulate the economy. How is it possible to get an inflationary cocktail out of deflationary ingredients? Words: 1461

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