Thursday , 13 March 2025

Tag Archives: U.S. debt

This Economic Recovery Is A Grand Illusion – Here Are 8 Reasons Why (+3K Views)

Is this economic recovery real? Well, if you base your observations on how far the Dow has risen since the financial crisis of 2008-2009, the answer would be a yes. However, if you do just a little cursory digging you will notice that this economic recovery is nothing but a grand illusion. The following 8 factors clearly prove that this recovery is not real.

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U.S. Gov’t Debt Now $19 Trillion & Counting! Here’s Why You Should Care

The United States government has now officially accumulated $19 trillion in debt but most of the mainstream new sources that have printed this news still aren't sounding the alarm. After all, what's another $1 trillion in debt when the government can just keep printing? The problem is, however, that the government owes most of this debt to you and, once the government is eventually pushed to default, you're going to be the one on the hook for it.

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Crushing Debt Cannot – & Will Not – Be Repaid! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The central bankers of the world have painted themselves into corner. Growing mountain of debt makes it harder for economies to grow at higher interest rates, hence forcing central banks into a downward spiral of record low rates and monetary stimulus that simply encourages more borrowing and worsening the underlying problem - what the BIS calls "a debt trap"

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10 Myths That Suggest Gold Supposedly Has a Bright Future (+2K Views)

...Hype, fear and outdated monetary theories simply aren't enough to support the price of gold. Every finance and economics text book teaches that gold is basically an inflation hedge, and without inflation gold is simply a useless piece of yellow metal. Either the gold bugs are right or the Fed is right, and my money is on the Fed.

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U.S. National Debt & Trade Deficit Destroying Economy

When asked who will fight for jobs, to end the nation’s dependance on foreign debt and toxic imports, the answer should be American citizens themselves. Rather than tell children how great America was, citizens should want them to see America’s greatness for themselves and preserve it for the next generation.

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Warning: This Economic Article Is Not for the Faint of Heart

Never before in American history have we seen such a pitiful, pathetic, and anemic response to challenges and trials. We are truly a society of wimps. Spiritual wimps, devoid of any courage and conviction when it comes to speaking the truth, and milquetoast coelenterates for failing to look past our own materialism to accept the common truth that what we have been doing is simply not sustainable. You and me both. Let’s dig into the undeniable conclusions, shall we? Words: 1331; Charts: 3

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How Can the U.S. Grow Its Way Out of Its Present Predicament? Here’s How

The Fed’s plan B: Bail out the banks, transfer the banks bad bets onto its own balance sheet, hammer the greenback, slash wages (via inflation), boost exports, and pump as much money as possible into the unproductive, overbuilt black hole we call the U.S. housing market. [Let me explain why that is obviously the case.] Words: 1298

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Consumer Indebtedness Leading to Currency Devaluation & Beggar-Thy-Neighbor Economic Policies

The current move up over the past 4 years is being driven by the Fed's loose monetary policies (just as other global markets have been driven by their Central Banks). Most bulls believe the loose polices will stimulate enough consumer demand to lead to a significant U.S. economic recovery. We, however, continue to believe the debt - laden consumer, along with the still other unresolved debt burdens, will be a major drag on the U.S. economy, (we are convinced that the market will turn down and make a triple top at levels below the peaks made in 2000 and 2007 while we resume the secular bear market that started in 2000) and that will have negative affects on the global economy.

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