Friday , 26 July 2024

Tag Archives: Treasuries

Might Silver's Current Chart Similarity with 2008 Be Implying What's About to Happen to Rest of Market?

A look at the chart for SLV from September 2007 to August 2008 (11 months) and from November 2010 to October 2011 (11 months) is remarkably similar - almost identical in fact. Therefore, if silver continues to trace out a similar path to what transpired in 2008, what are the possible implications for stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, and precious metals? Take a look at the following 19 charts for some possible outcomes. Words: 731

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Massive Stock Market Selloff Likely in Mid-2011! Here's Why

A major crisis is coming in the first half of 2011 and it could cause a worldwide financial disaster, global market crashes and the destruction of wealth that will make the popping of the dot-com and housing bubbles feel like a mild inconvenience! Why? Because, quite simply, America is playing a dangerous game of “chicken” with its national debt - and the ramifications are extraordinary. Words: 1475

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Equities – the "World’s Worst Cult" – are About to be Destroyed! Got Gold?

RBS is sounding the alarm on risk assets with a call that markets are at risk of falling off the edge of the cliff - by as much as 60-70%! They refer to equity investors as the “worst cult in history….which has no basis in fact, or history, but yet seems universally accepted.” They believe the current downturn could very well “destroy” this “cult”. They’re not just bullish on treasuries –they are super bulls with a 2% target on 10 year yields. Words: 1378

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The Fed MUST Inflate Away Debt or Default So MAJOR Inflation IS Coming!

If our assessment is correct, over the coming years, stocks, precious metals, commodities and real-estate will appreciate in value versus paper currencies. Furthermore, on a relative basis, we expect precious metals and commodities to outperform all other asset-classes. Conversely, we anticipate that cash and fixed income instruments will probably turn out to be the worst assets to own over the next decade. Words: 869

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